Police World
Vol 58 No.1 2013
IPA News
20% Discount
on Police
Reference Books
IPA member Stewart Calligan has written four comprehensive
police reference books which are:
Points to Prove
Taking Statements
The Custody Officer’s
Policing Your Health
A 20% discount on all
his books is available
to all members. You
can order a book via:
Stewart’s most recent
book is a break from the law and covers the police officers most
important asset – their bodies. ‘
Policing Your Health
’ sets out a
healthy lifestyle for shift workers.
To read how Stewart developed these books visit:
uk.org/Members-Only-Offers#Police Reference Books by
Stewart Calligan
IYG 2013
The 2013 International Youth Gathering
will be held in Switzerland 20 July - 3 August
. The first week of the
programme will be spent in the German speaking part of Switzerland
which will include visits to Lucerne and other central areas. It will then
move on, partly by boat, to Murten, with a visit to Fribourg, then Geneva
and finally to Valais before returning to Zurich. Cost will be CHF 700 -
all inclusive.
Deadline date for application is 29 March, 2013. Please note, applications
must be forwarded, in the first instance, to Section UK: deadline date
15 March, 2013
For more detailed information on the event, visit:
For application forms, contact Michele Rai at BSAC:
Catherine Wood, the 2012 representative, has made headline news in the
Chester Chronicle. To read the article visit:
Year Olds!
Section UK
are made
On 7 September, 2012, the day dawned bright and beautiful in the
Welsh capital city of Cardiff.
The local football pundits had forecast
that the Welsh national football team were due to wreak havoc on the
visiting Belgian side. However, the sage hadn’t reckoned on the
support that the visiting team had brought with them in the form of
James Bonaugure and his colleagues from IPA Region Mechelen,
Prior to the match, I entertained James and his friends in the city.
Needless to say, the visitors left the city the following day victorious.
Denis Hunt
, South Wales branch
The National Council Meeting 2013
will take place at the Palace Hotel,
Torquay, Devon and will be hosted by
7 Region.
The booking form is now
available. To download this and to view
programme information visit:
The costs are as follows:
Delegates £190, Observer/Partner £145. Extra
nights Thursday/Sunday B&B (per room 2 sharing) £55. Saturday night
dinner/dance only £ 35.
Deposit of £30
per person payable by 30
January 2013.
Stewart Calligan
The Palace Hotel
Great entertainment
Full payment and
completed forms are
required before 30
March, 2013.
Members from IPA Region Mechelen, Belgium
Go Green
Help keep costs down and Go Green
- Join the growing number
of members providing an email address to avoid printing and
postage of Police World and circulars; some members who share
an address are signing
up to this scheme. Visit:
Log In; Go to Members’ Home Page;
then Edit Profile. Use this facility
to keep your records
up-to-date also.
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