As the wire industry continues to globalise, there is increasing
pressure on wire producers to remain profitable through
process optimisation and product differentiation. Blachford is
working to assist in this effort by offering wire drawers a unique
and sustainable competitive advantage by leveraging its core
competency – designing customer-specific lubricants and
lubricant programmes – to achieve customers’ goals.
Blachford has been supplying the world’s top wire producers
since the 1950s with cost-effective, meticulously researched, and
innovative wire drawing lubricant programmes. These programmes
are designed to meet the requirements of customers’ processes and
end product goals. Blachford does this by working closely with its
customers to understand their processes and their goals.
It then develops new products and/or lubricant programmes
that are tailored to each customer’s specific requirements.
Blachford’s approach of working collaboratively with its
customers, its in-field engineers and its R&D team requires
higher focus, but also offers greater overall value.
Its processes, quality standards and R&D laboratories are
fully ISO 9001 certified. Dr John Blachford, its owner, is well
known throughout the chemical industry for his promotion
of Responsible Care®, ensuring that his companies act as
responsible corporate citizens. Blachford’s people are committed
to working with its customers to ensure both optimum product
performance and responsible application.
Whether working to develop products that impart specific finished
wire characteristics, or to enable customers to produce more
quality tons faster and less expensively, Blachford’s combination of
technically advanced products and customer-focused approach
offers customers a competitive edge.
Blachford Inc – USA
www.blachford.comMeeting the increasing pressure
A proud history from Blachford