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May 1974 to consider the draft. It will be a number of

years before the Convention will be in final form.

11.28. Two further meetings of the sub-group which

is revising the English text of the draft Convention were

held in Brussels. Considerable progress was made and

further meetings will be held to complete the work.

Draft Convention on Private International Law

11.29. The committee of experts on the harmonising

of rules of private international law held plenary meet-

ings in Brussels in November 1973 and in Copenhagen

in April/May 1974. These meetings considered a ques-

tionnaire received from the Council's Social Questions

group concerning a draft Regulation relating to conflist

of law rules governing labour relations within the Com-

munity and its impact upon similar provisions con-

tained in the draft private international law Convention

on the law applicable to contractual and non-contrac-

tual obligations.

11.30. A subcommittee on movable property held a

meeting on 13-15 February 1974 to consider :

(a) a questionnaire concerning conflict rules relating to

contract and tort which had been circulated to

member governments of the Hague Permanent

Conference on Private International Law; and

(b) The Commission draft Directive on the recognition

of securities on movables without dispossession and

on the retention of ownership upon the sale of


A report from the subcommittee was before the plenary

meeting of the committee of experts in Copenhagen in

April/May 1974. The legal profession and a number of

interested commercial bodies have been consulted on

the draft Directive.

Draft Directive on Guarantees

11.31. A committee of experts drawn from the Mem-

ber States of the Community is examining a draft

Directive on the harmonisation of national laws relating

to guarantees. The purpose of the draft Directive is to

achieve rules in regard to contracts of guarantee which

would apply throughout the whole Community in

order to facilitate the movement of capital which is

envisaged in Article 67 of the EEC Treaty. A meeting

of the committee of experts was held from 12 to 14

June 1974.

Draft Convention on the liability and protection of

officials of the European Communities in criminal


11.32. A committee of experts consisting of delegates

from the Member States is considering what machinery

should be set up to deal with Community officials

accused of certain offences in connection with their

official duties. A group of experts from the original

Member States began work on the matter in 1962. Their

discussions were suspended for a long time because of

divergences of opinion amongst them but work recom-

menced in September 1970 and resulted in the prepara-

tion of a draft convention in 1972. The draft Conven-

tion provides for the extension of the domestic laws of

the Member States relating to certain criminal offences

to cover such offences committed by Community offi-

cials in the course of their duties. The draft is being

reconsidered following the accession of Ireland the UK

and Denmark and meetings for this purpose of experts

from the nine Member States were held in Brussels on

26-27 March 1974 and 4-5 June 1974.


11.33. At the invitation of the German Government

a diplomatic conference was held in Munich from 10

September to 5 October 1973 to adopt a European

system for granting patents. On 5 October 1973 the

nine Member States of the Community and five other

countries, viz. Greece, Liechtenstein, Norway, Sweden

and Switzerland, signed the International Convention

on the European Patent.

11.34. The Convention provides for the obtaining of

a European patent, which would have the same vali-

dity and effect in designated contracting States as natio-

nal patents, by means of a single application and one

grant procedure. The Convention provides for a Euro-

pean Patent Organisation comprising a European

patent will be filed with the European Patent Office

will be responsible for operating the European system

for the grant of patents. Applications for a European

patent will be field with the European Patent Office

which will be established in Munich.

11.35. A draft Convention on the European Patent

for the Common Market which was prepared early in

1973 was scheduled for consideration and adoption at

a final conference to be held in Luxembourg from 6 to

28 May 1974. It was the intention that the draft

Convention would be initialled at the end of the confer-

ence and be signed for the Council in June 1974. How-

ever, a request by the UK Government for the post-

ponement of the conference was granted by COREPER

in April 1974. The reason given by the UK Government

for this request is that it requires time to undertake a

thorough examination of matters relating to the Euro-

pean Patent for the Common Market.

Harmonisation of Penal Law—Economic Penal Law

11.36. In June 1961 the Council decided to study

the problems posed in relation to the prevention and

punishment of breaches of Community Regulations,

Directives and Decisions, in particular whether the in-

equality of penalties imposed in different Member

States for breaches of Community provisions would tend

to hinder the full implementation of these provisions

throughout the Community. A draft Instrument on

economic penal law in the Community prepared by a

sub-group of experts was considered at a meeting of the

plenary working group at Brussels on 6-7 March 1974.

After a discussion on the terms and scope of the instru-

ment the draft was referred back to the sub-group for

further study. This work is currently in progress.

Council of Ministers for Justice

11.37. The first meeting of the Council at which

Member States were represented by the Ministers for

Justice was held in Luxembourg on 3 June 1971. The

Government of the Federal Republic of Germany pro-

posed in February 1974 that a second Council of

Ministers for Justice should be held in the second half

of 1974 under the French presidency of the Council.


ad hoc

working group comprising representatives of

all the Member States was set up to prepare for the

meeting. The working group met in Brussels on 11

March, 8 April and 6 May 1974 and further meetings

will be held as necessary to complete the preparations

for the Council meeting.