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The Gazette ol the Incorporated Law Society ol Ireland.

[APRIL, 1934

On the completion of the registration of a

transaction, and


the absence of any

evidence that it was lodged by or on behalf

of any other person than the registered owner,

the land certificate is dealt with as follows


(i) if the transaction is a transfer or

transmission of all the land, it is



the new



(ii) if the transaction is a transfer of

part of the land in a certificate, it is

redelivered to the registered owner

of the land remaining untransferred,

the certificate being amended by

removing from it the part trans–

ferred ;

the owner of

the part

transferred can obtain a certificate

for his part on payment of the

prescribed fee";

(iii) if the transaction is a charge, lease,

or other burden, it is redelivered to

the registered owner of the land.

In any case in which it appears from the

documents that the certificate was lodged by

or on behalf of a person who was not the

registered owner, it will be redelivered to

that person.

The certificate will in all cases be delivered

to the Solicitor for the person appearing to be

entitled to its custody as above stated, pro–

vided he states in writing that he is the

Solicitor for the person so entitled and that

he requires the certificate to be delivered to

him as such Solicitor.

The Registrar will



or infer that a Solicitor is the

Solicitor for a person or that he requires

delivery of the certificate ;

he must say it.

The statement should normally accompany

the certificate or the document lodged for

registration ;

but, if it is produced in the

Registry while the Certificate is in it, it will

be acted on.

It will be filed for reference

when production of the certificate is again

required on subsequent registrations.

When production of a Land Certificate can

be ordered.

4. The Registrar can order the production

of a Land Certificate for the registration of

a transaction that can be effected without

the consent of its holder (S. 81 (2)).


Registrar's view is that he can order its

production for any registration that will not

affect a lien created by its deposit. When

necessary, therefore, he will order its pro–

duction for the registration of a voluntary


transferee, or a person entitled under the

Will or intestacy of a deceased owner, or a

judgment mortgage, or any other burden


without valuable consideration



these can be registered without affecting the

lien of the holder of the certificate. But the


Registrar will


order the production of a


certificate for the registration of a transfer

on sale or marriage, or given for other

valuable consideration, or for the registration

of a burden created for valuable considera–

tion, in any case in which the holder claims

a .lien on it by deposit; for in his opinion

registration under such a document would

defeat or postpone the lien (See S. 44(2)).

Solicitors should note that the onus is on

the Solicitor for the depositee of a land

certificate of deciding whether he will produce

it or not for a registration.

It is not the duty

of the Registrar to inquire into the motive

or reason for the production of a certificate

by its depositee.

If the latter produces it for

the registration of a transfer for value or a

charge for value, and a registration is made

on its production that defeats or postpones

the lien, his loss is caused by his production

of the certificate when he could have refused

to produce it; and he will have no claim

against the Insurance Fund.

A Land Certificate may be lodged for specified


5. Where a registered owner is making a

number of transfers of parts of the land in a

land certificate, the Registrar will on request

facilitate the completion of the transfers by

receiving the certificate from the registered

owner and holding it for registration only

of the transfers specified by the Solicitor for

the owner ;

and an acknowledgment of its

receipt for the purposes specified will be


\\Tien this is desired the Solicitor

for the registered owner should first com–

municate with the Registry.


The Society's Calendar for 1934 can be

obtained in the Secretary's Office, price, five

shillings; by post, five shillings and six
