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APRIL, 1934]

The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland






Solicitor, died on the 30th March, 1934, at

his residence 68 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin.

Mr. Fetherstonhaugh served his apprentice–

ship with Mr. Albany Fetherstonhaugh,

Dublin ;

was admitted in Hilary Sittings,

1914, and practised as a member of the firm

of Crookshank, Leech and Fetherstonhaugh

at 22 Kildare Street, Dublin.


The following have joined the Society :

Philip T. Brooks, 5 Foster Place, Dublin.

Francis I. Clinch, 78 Dame St., Dublin.


The Council has recently purchased the

following sets of Law Reports, consisting of

461 volumes for the Library :

Law Journal Reports with Magistrates'

Cases and Statutes, 1823 1933.

Law Times Reports (Old Series), 1843


Law Times Reports (New Series), 1859


Times Law Reports 12 Volumes.

Land Registry, Central Office, Dublin.


On the issue, delivery and production of Land


First Issue of Land Certificates.

1. Every registered owner is entitled to a

land certificate certifying his ownership of

his land. Whether a land certificate has been

issued or not in respect of any land can be

ascertained by an inspection of the Folio of

the register in which its ownership is regis–


If a certificate has been issued, the

fact is noted on the Folio.

If a certificate has

not been issued, the registered owner of the

land can obtain one on payment of the

prescribed fee.

The Act only authorises the issue of the

certificate to the registered owner of the


A Solicitor who applies for the issue

of a certificate must, therefore, state ex–

plicitly :

(A) that he


the Solicitor for the

registered owner and that he applies

for it as such Solicitor, or

(B) if he is Solicitor for any other person,

that he applies for the issue of the

certificate to him as Solicitor for

such person on the consent of the

registered owner to its issue to that


In this case the consent of

the registered owner must be lodged

with the application and the signa–

ture to the consent must be attested.

The land certificate of any land will be

issued to a Solicitor who applies for it in the

manner above stated.

Production of Land Certificates



2. Where a land certificate has been issued,

no registration affecting the land described

in it can be made until the certificate is pro–

duced in the Registry.

It is useless, there–

fore, to lodge any document in the Registry


registration unless

the certificate


lodged with it, or its production in the

Registry by its holder has been secured.

Having regard to the increase in the number

of land certificates issued and being issued,

it is of the utmost importance that Solicitors

dealing with a registered owner should

ascertain whether a land certificate has been

issued, and if it has, whether its production

for the registration of the proposed trans–

action can be obtained.

No sale, transfer,

lease, or mortgage should be completed until

the production of

the certificate for the

purpose of

the necessary registration



It is the duty of the registered

owner to produce it, or to ensure its pro–

duction. The production of a certificate for

a registration can be compelled in certain

cases :

see par. 4.

Delivery from Registry of Land Certificate

lodged for a Registration.

3. When a land certificate is lodged in the

Registry for the registration of a transaction,

the person who is entitled to the redelivery

of it is,

prima facie,

the person who is the

registered owner of the land on the com–

pletion of the registration. The owner of a

registered charge, lease, or other burden, is

not as such entitled to its custody or its
