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2. Operational excellence policies




mapping the CSR risks;


the risks;

evaluating the CSR performance of suppliers to classify


building common progress plans with suppliers.


purchases and incorporates the strategy for the development

of long-term partnerships with suppliers.

This general framework is adapted by the operational teams

based on the specific features of the trade and non-trade

constructive dialogue for improvement.

evaluated to determine priorities for action and engage a

evaluation is based on international and recognized sources.

The risks connected to suppliers are then identified and

labor and those connected to bribery are specially evaluated.

The risks of purchasing categories integrate the

environmental performance in particular the carbon and

water footprints and health and safety. The mapping

was reviewed in 2016, in a coordinated way. Risks connected

to the country of origin and risks connected to the purchase

categories are integrated. The risk on human rights, in

particular the fight against the forced labor and the child

Following this process, the methodology to map CSR risks

Non-trade responsible purchasing


improvement plans.

constant dialog with the supplier and leads to the

establishment of action plans and CSR performance

on site is organized. The entire approach falls within a

allow the identification of suppliers “at risks”. Depending on

the level of risks identified, the supplier is answering to a

questionnaire based on documentation verified and evaluated

by a third party and, depending on the results; a social audit

This CSR risk analysis deployed in the non-trade purchasing

The Responsible Purchasing Policy is applied to non-trade

suppliers via the R-Net online platform, a private website

totally dedicated to the subject of Responsible Purchasing.

questionnaires, to obtain all information on Saint-Gobain’s

Responsible Purchasing guidelines and to access details of

their CSR evaluations or, where appropriate, the social audits.

Suppliers have access to R-Net to acknowledge receipt of the

Saint-Gobain Suppliers Charter, to send essential supporting

documents electronically (wood certificates, quality

certificates, ISO standards), to answer self-assessment

the agreed periods.

conduct around 40 to 50 audits a year, mainly in the

emerging countries. These audits may lead to de-listings if

the corrective plans necessary are not implemented within

The 2017-2021 objective is to assess the CSR performance of

almost all suppliers deemed to be a CSR risk and achieving

annual consolidated net sales of more than €100,000 with

the Group. With regard to social audits, the objective is to

in emerging countries (Brazil, China, India). The objective is to

propose an alternative to the CSR risk evaluation tools

already in place to suppliers in order to favor the suppliers’


The department of non-trade purchasing initiated in 2016 a

program to audit on site the suppliers identified at risk by the

Group purchasing managers. Firstly, the program is deployed

anti-bribery, work conditions of suppliers’ employees, forced

labor or child labor. A constant information on the sustainable

development stakes are also communicated.

Principles of Conduct and Action, with a specific attention to

The Responsible purchasing policy integrates also a

continuous training program of purchasing managers on the

Trade responsible purchasing


and external, of the objectives and principles of this policy.

To draw up and convey the Group’s Responsible Purchasing

Policy within the Building Distribution Sector, a rigorous and

methodical measure has been introduced. The aim is to

obtain acceptance by all the parties involved, both internal

and solutions, to then select the best suppliers meeting these

needs in the best possible way. Finally, they have to ensure

the availability of these products and solutions in the Sector’s

distribution network.

It is initially applied to distribution Category Managers, whose

role is to express the customer’s needs in terms of products

policy has been applied in two stages. The first stage,

between 2012 and 2013, concerned the “Strategic Partners”.

The second stage, launched in 2014, concerned the “National

Strategic” suppliers.

responses given, a constructive exchange takes place with

the supplier in order to jointly draw up action plans

incorporated within a measure for continuous improvement,

with characterized, quantified and planned commitments. The

standards and rules. They also undertake, within the scope of

the Sector’s Responsible Together program, to complete a

self-assessment questionnaire every two years. Based on the

Charter, agree to scrupulously monitor the requirements of

responsible development with regard to the environment,

social policy, legality and compliance of the products and

manufacturing processes with the national and international

confidentiality and competition law and to disseminate the

Responsible Purchasing Policy among their suppliers. The

partner suppliers, who are signatories to the Suppliers

In order to do this, all the Category Managers are initially

trained in Responsible Purchasing before signing the

Purchasers Charter. They thus undertake to observe the

principles of integrity, professionalism, spirit of service,

The suppliers known as “Strategic Partners” are those with

whom a strong international partnership is built year after

year; the “National Strategic” suppliers are those on whom

the Sector’s brands rely nationally.

recommendations on compliance with an expected effective

date or paths for improvement.

aspects of the production activities and to examine their

production capacities in terms of volume and quality. These

audits also relate to the supply chain upstream. Following an

audit, the supplier receives a report as well as

At the same time, risk mapping takes place and the Building

Distribution Sector conducts factory audits on selected

suppliers whose aim is to assess in particular their

management system and the environmental, social and legal