1. Reference policies
incident declared is examined and dealt with in the
companies concerned.
leading to a complaint or otherwise, in the course of
judgment or finally judged and characterized as such. Every
facilitate the handling and monitoring of information.
Companies now declare any incidents of discrimination
Group to ensure this are set out in chapter 4, section 2.2.2.
determination to ensure that its fundamental values are
applied and respected. This measure is extended to
and to demonstrate to the operational managers the Group’s
respect for human rights such as the fight against forced
labor and child labor. The specific measures taken by the
Saint-Gobain suppliers by the observance of its Responsible
Purchasing policy. This policy specifically incorporates
Specific reporting has been introduced to measure the results
of the actions taken for respect for fundamental human rights
detecting specific risks based on the countries with which it
interacts; either directly by its activities or by the presence of
connected with its activities by incorporating its supply chain.
Consequently, the Group is introducing a procedure for
its suppliers.
Group strives identify and manage the potential risks
Within the scope of its due diligence on human rights, the
monitoring points may relate to employment practices, the
impact on local communities or management of the logistics
direct questioning of the General Delegations or the Activities
concerned for specific risks identified. These particular
Compliance Assessment (HRCA) of the Danish Institute for
Human Rights, has been developed and is supplemented by a
An evaluation questionnaire, inspired by the Human Rights
three-year and medium-term objectives up to 2025,
implementing action plans developed locally and regularly
displayed on all sites. The EHS policy is based on establishing
measuring the results obtained.
defined by the Chairman and CEO of Saint-Gobain in a
commitment letter of undertaking updated and circulated to
health and safety on the same level of requirement and
establishes the following as long-term objectives: zero
the entire Group since 2012. It is an extension of the Group’s
Principles of Conduct and Action. It places the environment,
activities on the environment. These objectives are recalled in
the Group’s EHS Charter, available in 35 languages and
work-related accidents, zero occupational illnesses, zero
environmental accidents and minimum impact of the Group’s
The Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) policy has been
whatever the country and the local legislation.
applied and the international management standards in these
three fields, particularly: OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001. The
continuous improvement. They take into account the
objectives set, existing EHS practices, the systems already
Sectors and General Delegations, worldwide. These policies
are supplemented by Saint-Gobain “standards”, which are
Saint-Gobain General Management draws up and circulates
framework policies that have to be implemented by the
technical documents that describe the minimum
requirements that the sites will have to observe in the future,
achieve the Group’s objectives. In order to implement these
Guidelines, management systems have to be defined and
The EHS guidelines explain the measures to be taken to
entity. The guidelines are based on the principle of
applied in participation with all employees, based on existing
situations and decisions specific to each Sector, Activity or
Sectors, General Delegations and sites, reproducing the
Saint-Gobain matrix organization coordinated by a central
Implementation of the EHS policy is based on a network of
correspondents distributed throughout the Group within the
the EHS Department. External certification measures may
also be followed at the same time.
Audits on compliance with the guidelines are conducted by
pillars of the operational excellence program known as World
Class Manufacturing (see chapter 5, section 2.1).
Finally, health and safety and the environment constitute two
Integrating EHS into products and processes
The Research and Development network incorporates health
and environmental concerns into their operating plans. A list
of products, during their use and at the end of their lifecycle.
of EHS controls includes all the points to be checked with
regard to raw materials, manufacturing processes and the use
EHS training for everyone
provided based on the job held, is a particularly relevant tool
relied on to define employees’ EHS training paths. A skills
The EHS training matrix, which defines the training to be
matrix is also available.
under the responsibility of the General Delegations.
The availability of adapted training, in the local language, falls
The aim is to provide training for new arrivals, managers and
PeopleGroup database, which facilitates monitoring of this
the EHS network as a priority. The EHS training followed by
employees is in the process of being incorporated into the