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Reading Matters

Research Matters




Reading Matters | Volume 16 • Winter 2016 | CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS

note and asked him/her to describe the rain though the sense that

the desk cluster was assigned. Once they wrote on their sticky

notes, students placed it on the board under the appropriate

sense to create a chart that could serve as another example of a

prewriting strategy. Student examples included the following:

sight - tears, little streaks, waterfall, ice cubes, fog, blanket, drops,

and a watering can when you are watering plants; hearing - sh

sh sh sh, splat splat, drizzle drizzle, splash splash splash; smell -

salty, sweet, “sadness”whenever it rains I picture someone crying,

maybe angels; taste - water from a water hose, water; touch - It

feels like tiny tears in your hand, needles, softness, smooth. Then

the class collectively wrote the following using their new sense

prewriting chart:

Rain looks like tears. It sounds like tapping. It smells

like sadness. Rain tastes like a glass of water. It feels like tickles on

your hand.

As we closed the lesson, we discussed how using our

senses in writing enables us to share our experiences with others.

Lesson three: Editing

As noted previously, the students continued to work on

writing even on the days I was not in the classroom. As I prepared

for the next lesson, I realized that many students were ready for

and needed assistance with editing, so we made this the focus

of our third lesson. We discussed the purpose of editing for

publication and introduced proofreading marks. The teacher

made sure to mention that everyone has areas of needed

improvement, including adults, and even the best writers make

mistakes. To give students a tool for editing, we demonstrating

using proofreading marks for ideas such capitalizing words or

adding punctuation. As a class, students practiced editing a

journal entry using correction marks. Students then worked

in small groups to edit a very short play. During this lesson

I assisted a small group that needed step-by-step help and

scaffolding to complete the independent work. We closed

by again discussing the purpose of editing and explained

that good writers will edit their own work and can also seek

assistance from a peer to see if they find any more mistakes.

Lesson four: Revision

The results of our initial attitude survey indicated students’

serious reluctance to revise. Kittle (2003) explains that while

students may know that revision is a necessary part of writing,

they often resist it. To combat this resistance, we wanted to

provide students with concrete ideas on how to revise, as well as

model a strategy they would later use with their peers. We began

our fourth lesson by asking students to revise an informative

paragraph about the sun that they had written earlier in the

week with their teacher. We discussed what information in the

paragraph was fact and what was opinion. After they revised

independently, the teacher and I held individual conferences with

students using the two stars and a wish method (two positive

compliments and one thing to improve on) to revise their writing.

As I conferenced with students about their sun writing, I noticed

that students smiled when I gave them the two compliments and

eagerly went back to revise their writing after explaining what

to improve on. Each student returned to their desk with their

paper and a sticky note with the two stars and a wish critique.

Lesson Five: Further revision

Because we really wanted to emphasize revision, we focused

our next lesson on it as well. In this fifth lesson, the students helped

me revise a paragraph I had written about my favorite season,

emphasizing the use of descriptive words and giving reasons why

this was my favorite season. After revising, I showed students the

bubble map, something the students were familiar with, that I

created before composing my paragraph. Students then chose their

favorite season and created their own bubble map that included

reasons supporting why it was their favorite in the surrounding area.

We would eventually be developing this writing into our digital story.

We chose the topic of seasons because it was what the students

were studying in science. The teacher noticed that many students

enjoyed discussing the different seasons and thought it would be

a good topic that would support what students were learning in

both science and writing. At the end of the lesson, some students

shared what season they chose and a few reasons for their choice.

During the week, students continued working on their papers

and revised with peers using the two stars and a wish method.

Lesson six: Checklist

When I visited the class for the sixth time, I introduced a

checklist that I wanted students to use with a peer’s writing to

see if it contained all of the required components. The checklist

included the following questions: Does this writing focus on a

favorite season? Does the author explain why the season is his/

her favorite with at least three or more reasons? Does the author

use sensory (sight, hear, touch, smell, taste) words to describe the

season? Does the author use different sentence starters to make

exciting writing? Does the author use correct punctuation and

capitalization? STAR- Positive Comment: STAR- Positive Comment;

WISH- What To Improve. Many students were proud to see that they

had multiple parts of the checklist completed. Some students’faces

dropped when I said they might have to rewrite their paper before

publication, but I reminded them of our work toward publication.

Many other students were excited to share their writing. In

preparation for their digital story, students had drawn at least three

illustrations to go with their writing. One particular student was

proud to share a line that demonstrated how he used sensory words

in his writing to describe his favorite season summer:“I love the taste

of fresh fruits and vegetables especially sweet, juicy watermelon.”

At this point in the study, we were getting ready for publication

of their digital stories. While we were waiting for the iPads

to be delivered, the teacher and I worked together to make

sure each student had the following completed: revised and

edited final draft about their favorite season that contained

at least one sensory description (see, hear, taste, smell, touch)

and three or more pictures that connected to their writing.

Creating our Digital Stories

Each of the next four lessons was centered on helping

students move from the paper-pencil draft of their writing to a

digital story. There are many different applications teachers can

use for publishing digital stories, most of them free, depending