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Reading Matters

Research Matters


Reading Matters | Volume 16 • Winter 2016 |




on the type of technology they have available (see


for potential tools). I selected

30 Hands to publish our digital stories because of the ease of its

use, particularly for students who are publishing their first digital

story, and because it is available as a free download (see


for a quick tutorial on using 30Hands).

Lesson seven: Using our iPads

The iPads arrived in time for our seventh lesson and every

two students shared one. I projected the iPad using a document

camera and modeled how to create a story as students followed

along on their iPad. We started with how to turn the iPad on and

then opened up the 30 Hands application together. We discussed

how to create new slides by taking or drawing pictures. Then

we practiced recording. At the end of the explanation, students

created a practice test digital story in pairs. Students were

extremely excited to use the iPads and were engaged throughout

the lesson. They especially enjoyed playing back their voice

recording to hear how they sounded. The recording process

prompted students to use expression while reading; students would

often redo their recording if it did not sound clear or expressive.

One student even shared that the iPads“make writing fun!”

Lessons eight through ten:

Completing our stories

Across the next three lessons students worked individually

at different times to complete their own digital story about their

favorite season. The process of completing their stories varied

cross students. Some had difficulty dividing their writing into

different narrated parts for each slide. A simple fix for this was to

have students number the different parts in their papers and then

position the corresponding picture in the correct order on the 30

Hands app. This worked well because the application numbers each

picture and you can easily add, delete, or move each slide that the

student creates. Also, if students needed to add another picture,

they could easily draw one using the 30 Hands app. Finding a quiet

place to record was one challenge we faced. I found it best to have

students go to the corner of the roomwhen they were ready to

record. One day we were able to take students to an isolated room,

which was the best environment for a clear and crisp voice recording.

This time spent publishing their stories resulted in high levels of

engagement. Students who did not finish during writing time

insisted that they get additional time to complete their digital stories.

Students enjoyed sharing their progress with the teacher,

myself, and other students. The digital stories enabled many

students to refine their writing. They edited their work by

adding pictures and sentences to make their writing flow. This

also helped students be expressive when reading their writing.

Students loved sharing their digital stories with their classmates,

teachers, and anyone else who entered the classroom.


After all of the students had completed their digital story, I

administered the WAS again. The overall average of the complete

WAS improved from 66.7% to 83.4%, which pleased the classroom

teacher and me. Informally, we had both noticed a more positive

attitude from many of the students when they were writing. The

results also demonstrated that 64% of students were very happy

when revising their work and 53% of students were very happy or

happy when another student revised their work. Even though this

is still not as high of a percentage as I would like, it demonstrates

substantial progress in positive attitudes towards writing (up from

7%), especially across one unit. Five students in particular originally

reported great dislike of revising or peer reviewing, and at the post

survey they reported being very happy. However, two students

were still very upset when revising and peer reviewing work.

With continued support and exposure to revision and reviewing

techniques, I hope students’ attitudes will improve even more.


My initial research on engaging students in writing found that

when students share their writing, they are more engaged in their

writing (Troia, Lin, Cohen, & Monroe, 2011). This engagement

was reflected in what I observed with these students. Students

enjoyed sharing their digital stories and listening to other

students’ stories as well. When students shared their work

during peer reviewing, they were excited to get their “Two

Stars and a Wish” sheet back to see the compliments the other

student gave them and use the wish to help them improve for

their publication. This process helped students have positive

experiences with writing, editing, and revising. Giving students

a digital way of publishing their work and an opportunity to

share it gave purpose to students’ revision and editing.

When I started this research I was focused primarily on

learning how to engage students in writing. However, once

I administered the surveys I was surprised when results

demonstrated a high percentage of negative attitudes towards

revising and editing. My research focus slightly changed since

I hoped I would be able to change students’ attitudes towards

revising their own and peer reviewing other students’ work.

Students’ attitudes did improve; however, it is difficult for me

to pinpoint exactly why they improved. Instead, I believe it is a

combination of factors including building community, providing

support, and engaging students in a variety of ways including

technology. Students’ eyes still light up and excitement fills the

room when I enter with the bag of iPads for students to use.

Student’s attitudes are an important element in the learning

process. Surveys are a great tool that is underutilized in the

primary grades. Surveys are often too complex and require higher

level reading skills that primary students do not possess yet.

However, by simplifying the response choices as the WAS does

using cartoon images, surveys become more accessible to students

while still uncovering details and inner thoughts of students. By

using fewer words and more images, more students are able to

access and respond to the survey. I will implement more surveys,

especially interest and attitude surveys in my future teaching. I

noticed if I ask a question out loud, students often respond the

same as those around them. With an individual survey I have

received honest results that are unaffected by peer opinions. This