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Reading Matters

Technology Matters


Reading Matters | Volume 16 • Winter 2016 |




principles. New literacies allow for ample revision, communication,

collaboration, feedback, and encourage a “sharing of resources”

(Knobel & Lankshear, 2014, p. 98). Specifically, digital tools

can better enable teachers to provide students with authentic

literacy practices (Mills & Levido, 2011). Therefore, when thinking

about new literacies, it is important to consider how the tools

can be used to enhance communication and collaboration.

Clearly, it is imperative that classroom teachers become

fully versed in these technologies so that the new tools

can be integrated into the curriculum. One digital platform

that teachers can utilize in the classroom is infographics.

Infographics, or information graphics, are fairly new in the

world of education but have been used by newspapers and

magazines for some time (Toth, 2013). Fowler (2015) found

that “asking students to create infographics provides a vehicle

for teaching them how to filter information, communicate

through visual aids, and develop creative presentations using

technology” (p. 44). While Abilock andWilliams (2014) found

that many classroom infographics are simply digital posters,

below we suggest several ways to utilize infographics to

promote creativity, collaboration, and comprehension.

Infographics in the Classroom

Building opportunities for students to be creative, collaborate

with one another, and increase comprehension is important

and is highlighted in the new English Language Arts standards,

recently published by the state of South Carolina. Specifically,

students in South Carolina are expected to be able to “interact

with others to explore ideas and concepts, communicate meaning,

and develop logical interpretations through collaborative

conversations; build upon the ideas of others to clearly express

one’s own views while respecting diverse perspectives” (South

Carolina Department of Education, 2015, p. 32). Students should

also be able to “construct knowledge, applying disciplinary

concepts and tools, to build deeper understanding of the world

through exploration, collaboration, and analysis” (South Carolina

Department of Education, 2015, p. 37). Before students create their

own infographics, we suggest they review examples of previously

created infographics. Then, lead students in a discussion as to

what makes an infographic effective (Fowler, 2015). Effective

infographics most likely include visuals, accurate information, and

sources. They will be simple to read and navigate. The purpose

of having students discuss and practice reading infographics,

or electronic texts, is that electronic texts are different than

traditional texts and often require that students utilize more than

one processing mode in order to comprehend the information

(Anstey & Bull, 2006). Electronic texts can be continuously revised,

shared with an authentic audience, multimodal, and do not follow

a linear, step-by-step progression (Karchmer-Klein, 2013). Once

students are familiar with the layout and purpose of infographics,

the uses in the classroom are seemingly endless. Read below

for ideas on integrating this digital tool with the curriculum.

Infographics can be used as a teaching tool or a

presentation tool, an authentic alternative to Powerpoints

or flipcharts. For example, when learning about World War II,

specifically D-Day, teachers could discuss an infographic such

as this one, infographics/d-day-by-the-numbers ,

done by The History Channel.

When learning about persuasive writing, teachers could have

students analyze the“Plant the Plate”infographic, http://www.

the-plate/Plant-the-Plate-Infographic-full.jpg. This could help

develop students’critical literacy skills as they learn to recognize

some of the techniques that authors use to persuade readers.

Many teachers encourage their students to become experts

in a variety of topical areas in which individual students express

an interest. This interest can take the formof an“expert project.”

With the expert project, students can conduct research and

present their learning to their classmates. Historically, these

presentations have taken the formof Powerpoints, colorful

posters, and reports. Having students present their expert

projects with an infographic means that they can still share their

information with classmates, using a smart board, but can also

present their learning to a much wider audience. Furthermore,

students can imbed links to videos and informational websites,

increasing their classmates’access to information.

Many students are visual learners and as more students gain access

to technology in the classroom, infographics can be used as a place

to keep a record of learning as the unit progresses. Unlike notes taken

with traditional paper and pencil, notes taken on an infographic can

include links to other sources of information, images that represent

knowledge, and space for comments fromother learners. Learning

is social in nature (Vygotsky, 1978) and when students use this

digital tool, note-taking can become less of an isolated activity.

Infographics can also be a genre study in which students

focus on infographics as real-world, authentic written products.

First, students can study the specifics of the genre such as text

features, the layout, and the conciseness of the craft. Then, after

getting in collaborative groups, students could create their

own infographics on self-selected or content-related topics.

Finally, infographics can be used as assessments. They are

authentic ways to determine what the students have learned

in a given unit of study. After completing the infographic, the

student could email the link to the teacher. Then, students could

easily share their learning with a wider audience by posting the

link to a blog or website. When students know that their work

is going to be shared with an authentic audience, their sense of

responsibility for learning is greater (Stover, Yearta, & Sease, 2014).

Teachers, when they are ready to begin using infographics

in the classroom, have a variety of sites to choose from.

The following section offers a review of several student-

friendly infographic websites. While the list is by nomeans

exhaustive, it provides a place for teachers to begin.

Infographic Sites


is a site that offers ready-made

templates and a host of editing tools. There is a short,