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Reading Matters

Technology Matters




Reading Matters | Volume 16 • Winter 2016 | CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS

Abstract —Teachers in grades K-12 can utilize infographics to

integrate content and literacy. In fact, with infographics, students

can create real-world digital projects and can share their learning

with authentic audiences. With the use of digital tools, students can

collaborate with peers within and beyond the classroom. Student-

friendly infographic sites include

, Infogram, Piktochart, and

Smore. Infographics can be used as interactive presentation tools,

inclusive records of student thinking, and authentic assessments.

Ms. Billings (all names are pseudonyms) was fairly content

with her literacy instruction. In fact, any visitor to Ms. Billings’

classroom during her literacy block would note students deeply

engaged in a variety of tasks. Students might be reading in the

library corner, working on composing a reading response in their

journals, or even engaged in a book discussion about a previously

read text. While she felt certain that her students were learning

and their comprehension was deepening,

Ms. Billings wanted to provide her students

with additional opportunities to collaborate

with one another during this time as

well as a chance to utilize digital tools.

Since Ms. Billings wanted to integrate

technology, she analyzed the structure of her

book clubs and decided that the culminating

project would be a good place to begin. At

the time, students were preparing to begin

historical fiction book clubs. After they

had made their selections and been placed

in groups, Ms. Billings told the students

about their book club project. Instead of

the usual poster or oral presentation, the

students were going to create infographics.

They were going to be able to share their

infographics with parents, classmates, and

even students in other schools. With the

integration of technology, Ms. Billings’ book

clubs became even more robust and exciting.

Students continued to read and hold great

discussions and now they could also be seen

clustered around laptops, making decisions

about the layout, graphics, and links as

they worked on designing infographics

for their culminating products. DaShawn

and Hannah, students in Mrs. Billings’ class,

created their infographic on the historical

fiction novel,

War Horse

(see Figure 1).

DaShawn and Hannah were able to

compose a real-world digital product to

share their thinking and learning with a

multitude of interested parties. Additionally, the finished product

served as authentic evidence of their learning and Ms. Billings

was able to assess their understanding of the novel,

War Horse


The above vignette provides a sense of how“literacy practices

shape our world” (Wilber, 2012, p. 406). With new digital tools

becoming available on a regular basis, it is important to focus on

more than an exciting new tool (Wilber, 2012). In fact, teachers can

use digital tools to provide students with varied opportunities to

make their thinking visible and communicate with others (Yearta

& Stover, 2015). Students now have the opportunity to use digital

tools to create infographics and can share their thinking and

learning with wide, varied, authentic audiences. In this article, we

provide a brief literature review, discuss ways to use infographics in

the classroom, list popular student-friendly infographic sites, and

offer hints to help readers get started with infographics today.

Preparing Students

with New Tools

According to the International Literacy

Association, formerly the International

Reading Association, students need access to

and experience with the new literacies of 21st

century technologies (2009). Teachers are

certainly using technology in the classroom,

yet there continues to be much room for

growth in the area of technology and literacy

instruction (Karchmer-Klein, 2013). Students

should have multiple, varied opportunities

to engage in and become familiar with new

literacies. These new literacies are different

from traditional literacies in two significant

dimensions, in terms of technology and

ethos (Knobel & Lankshear, 2014).

Technology, the first dimension, refers

to tools such as Skype, GoogleDocs, Voki,

Mixed Ink, VoiceThread and apps such as

Educreations, Popplet, and Puppet Pals. It

is important to note that there is a constant

deluge of new technologies, and the sites and

apps that are used today may be outdated

tomorrow (Leu, Zawilinski, Forzani, & Timbrell,

2015). Therefore, the focus should not only be

on understanding the specific technologies,

but also on learning the skills and thinking

processes of new literacies (Leu et al., 2015).

The second dimension is ethos. Ethos is a

way of thinking about a topic, or the guiding

Infographics: More than Digitized Posters

Lindsay Yearta, Winthrop University

Dawn Mitchell, Spartanburg School District Six

Figure 1: Screenshot of DaShawn

and Hannah’s

War Horse
