Gibraltar General & Clerical Association – Rules & Constitution
The subscription shall in all cases be payable to the Union. Subscriptions or
installments shall be remitted to the GGCA National Secretary as soon as
practicable, and shall not be deemed to have been paid until received by the
GGCA National Secretary on behalf of the Union.
Unless the GGCA Executive Committee shall otherwise direct by reason of
exceptional circumstances, no subscription or any part of a subscription shall
be repaid to a member or to a person who has ceased to be a member.
Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3) of this Rule, a member shall cease to
be a member for non-payment of subscription as follows:
(a) a member whose subscription has been paid by deduction from salary
cancels authority for such deduction, membership shall cease as from
the date upon which cancellation takes effect;
(b) if the subscription of a member who has ordinarily paid by Bank transfer
or by a single yearly payment has not been received by the GGCA
National Secretary within 6 months after the same is due, that member
shall cease to be a member of the Union at the expiration of such period
of 6 months;
Paragraph (1) of this Rule shall not apply if the authority for deduction
is cancelled, or the subscription or installment is unpaid, only by reason
of the member substituting, by virtue of Rule 2.18, some other
permissible method of payment for that hitherto adopted.
Paragraph (1) of If is Rule shall not apply where a Working Member
becomes a Retired Member provided that within three months of
retirement the member makes satisfactory alternative arrangements in
accordance with these Rules for payment of the subscriptions then due.
A member who ceases to be a member for non payment of subscriptions or
who resigns in accordance with these Rules shall be readmitted to
membership at the absolute discretion of the GGCA Executive Committee
who may require payment of a re admission fee which shall not exceed three
months’ subscription at the appropriate rate.
There shall be such Sectors consisting of such members of the Union as the
GGCA Executive Committee may from time to time determine in accordance
with this Rule.