Gibraltar General & Clerical Association – Rules & Constitution
such other persons as the Sector Committee may, with the
approval of the GGCA Executive Committee, invite.
The Members present at the General Meeting shall have votes in
accordance with the provisions of these Rules.
General and Special Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the
following rules.
Each Meeting shall be chaired by the relevant Sector Committee
In the absence of the Chairman, Meetings shall be chaired by the Vice-
Chairman, or in his absence by such other member present at that
meeting as the members then present shall appoint by
voting on a
show of hands.
A quorum at any General Meeting shall be 25 save where Sector membership
is less than 200, then the quorum shall be no less than ten percent of that
At any meeting:
voting on any question shall, save as otherwise provided by these
Rules, be on a show of hands;
if, immediately following the declaration of the result of the voting on
any question on a show of hands, at least 25 members present or the
quorum specified under Rule 4.6, shall demand a ballot, then that
question shall be decided on a ballot, provided that only items which
have been included in the Agenda shall be decided on a ballot. Ballots
shall be secret.
Any question put at any General Meeting shall be decided by the
majority of votes cast thereon.
In the event of an equality of votes, whoever is in the Chair of the
General Meeting shall have a casting vote.
Notice of motions which it is proposed be moved at any General
Meeting may be given only by a member under Rule 2.4 or the Sector
Committee or the GGCA Executive Committee.