Gibraltar General & Clerical Association – Rules & Constitution
The GGCA National Secretary shall call for motions not less than 2
weeks before the date such motions have to the received.
Notice of such a motion setting out the terms thereof shall be given to
the GGCA National Secretary not later than midday on the day
occurring 2 weeks before the date on which the relevant Meeting is to
commence its sittings.
Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (3) of this Rule, a notice
shall be deemed not to have been given until it has been delivered to
the GGCA National Secretary at the registered offices of the Union.
Where any such notice is delivered to the GGCA National Secretary
after the time prescribed in paragraph (3) of this Rule, the motion to
which it relates may, on a recommendation of the GGCA Executive
Committee made in the special circumstances of any particular case,
be moved, if the recommendation be, on a show of hands, accepted by
a majority of the members present and voting.
A motion may be moved at any
General Meeting as an emergency
if, on a show of hands, not less than two thirds of the
members present and voting shall have consented to the
moving thereof; and
it is moved in accordance with such procedure as may be
determined by the meeting on the recommendation of the
GGCA Executive Committee.
A motion shall not be treated for the purposes of this Rule as an
emergency motion if the matter to which it relates could have been
submitted for discussion in a motion to which Rule 4.9 applies.
The GGCA National Secretary shall cause the Agenda for the General
Meeting to be circulated to each member not later than 1 week before the
date on which a General Meeting is to commence it’s sitting.
Special Meeting shall be called by the GGCA Executive Committee
or the relevant Sector Committee if it so determines, or shall be so
called if members numbering not less than one quarter of the members
of the Branch so require, by notice served on the GGCA National
Secretary, which notice shall state the business to be dealt with by the