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Gibraltar General & Clerical Association – Rules & Constitution




The result of any election will be published by the GGCA National Secretary

and circulated to all Sectors.


A Member of the Committee:


may at

any time by giving six weeks notice in writing addressed to the

General GGCA National Secretary resign from office or from the

Committee, as the case may be; or


shall cease to be a member of the Committee upon ceasing to be a

member of the Union; or


shall vacate office if absent from three consecutive ordinary meetings

of the Committee without the consent of the Committee and the

Committee so resolve.



A Member not being an Unemployed Member shall be entitled to stand

as a candidate in an election to the Sector Committee of which he

forms part of the Union provided as follows:


The GGCA National Secretary shall call for nominations

from members no later than 4 weeks before the date such

nominations have to the received.


the Member is nominated as a candidate by at least one

Member of the Union;


the nomination is seconded by at least one other Member

of the Union;


notice of nomination has been given in writing to the

General GGCA National Secretary not later than 2 weeks

before the date of the election;


the election shall be by a show of hands or ballot of all

members of the relevant Branch at it’s Biennial General


Existing Members of the Committee(s) who express a desire to

continue as Committee Members need not be nominated or

seconded as provided for in Rules 5.11(b) and (c)


Persons nominated under sub Rule (1) may withdraw their nomination

at any time before the date when the election is to be held.