Cable Production
Wire & Cable ASIA – May/June 2007
Rotating machinery
for the cable industry
Flymca is a Spanish firm which
designs and manufactures rotating
machinery for the production of power
and telecommunication cables, steel
ropes, and low relaxation strands.
Flymca provides the cable industry
with a wide range of cabling equipment
like rigid stranders, tubulars, skip
stranders, planetary and drum twisters,
as well as all the auxiliary equipment
like pay-offs and take-ups, rewinding
lines, taping and binding heads,
capstans and caterpillars.
The services offered by Flymca are
not restricted to the production of this
machinery, and are completed by a
whole service based on a professional
installation and commissioning, recon-
ditioning and upgrading, personnel
training, and after-sales guarantee.
Some examples of the present
productions are a tubular strander
(1+12) for 630mm DN bobbins, or
several bow cablers for 1,600mm
DIN bobbins, and the current commis-
sioning of a rigid stranding line
1+12+18+24 for 630mm DIN bobbins.
At present, the technological develop-
ment department of Flymca is studding
the tubular layer production, with
trapezoidal wires.
This process is realised non-stop
during the cabling, beginning with
circular section wires, and supposes
an immense convenience for the
production of this kind of cabling.
The company has also opened this
year a new subsidiary called Flyro,
which deals with the purchase and
sale of second hand machinery, with
the possibility of reconditioning and
refurbishing the elements.
Flymca/Flyro – Spain
: +34 942 55 98 65
www.flymca.com‘A superb piece of machinery’
At every re-appearance of this section the editors
are always struck by the advances in equipment
that had already reached a very highly advanced
state the last time the feature was assembled.
The question suggests itself, just how much can a superb piece of machinery
be enhanced? Just how far can a vision of perfectibility be extended?
Even a casual inspection of the websites of cable production equipment
makers is instructive. They teem with the expressions of aspiration
and striving. ‘Future-oriented.’ ‘Innovative.’ ‘Cutting-edge.’ ‘Progressive.’
This is the language of professionals who proudly offer their best products
– even as they maintain their efforts to improve those products.
Photo credit:
Associated Engineers & Industrials Ltd
Exceptional service from Flymca