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Technical article

November 2015


This is also valid in respect to fire

safety. For this reason the threat of fire

is estimated differently. This results in

different national or regional approaches

for fire protection. To look deeper into

these approaches it is important to

understand the threats of fire and the

theory of risk.

3 Risk of Fire

3.1 Threats of Fire Events

In occurrence of fire there are different

aspects that people are to be protected

against. In almost all cultures the most

important aspect should be the protection

of life and the avoidance of personal

injuries. Protection of goods against

combustion or secondary damages such

as corrosion are important. This depends

on the value of these goods, which might

be estimated differently in different

cultures. Further economic loss can be

caused by less physical effects of a fire

such as loss of information or downtime of

any infrastructure.

3.1.1 Personal Health

The threats for personal injury by a fire are

much more than suffering burns. Huge

danger in case of fire is generated by

smoke. In dense smoke people may lose

orientation and not find the emergency

exit. In the same way smoke may restrict

the work of rescue teams. Further acid

fumes cause asphyxiation which is the

most often lethal consequence of a fire.

3.1.2 Damage of Goods

In case of fire, damage of goods might

happen by combustion but also by

corrosion effects due to the presence of

acid smoke. Smaller damages by acid

smoke often remain undetected when a

halogenated material burns and a layer of

acid radicals covers some electronics.

When weeks or months later humidity

increases due to weather changes or

else, this film reacts to an acid and causes

failures by corrosion which are not

detected as a long-term consequence of

that fire some time ago.

3.1.3 Economic Loss

The financial damage caused by a fire

might be much higher than the real

value of any devices burnt down. In the

industrial field we know a production





damage may exceed the cost of the

machinery itself many times over.

Especially in banking and finance the

loss of information is another important

economic threat of a fire event. Thus

additional aspects are to be included





Repairability, data safety and backup

strategies are just a few of them.

3.2 Risk Assessment

Quantitative risk assessment requires

calculations of two components of risk:

the magnitude of the potential loss, and

the probability that the loss will occur.

So risk (R) is determined as a product of

two factors: The probability of any failure

(p) is multiplied by the magnitude of the

potential loss (L) caused by that failure,

further shortly called impact of failure.


Equation (1


This is common knowledge according

to Wikipedia


and is used in standard

engineering methods as the well known

failure method and effect analysis (FMEA)


as well as in insurance risk assessment

procedures. Insurance companies use

the risk calculation according to



in risk assessment which is basic to

determine insurance premiums. Here both

factors – probability and impact of failure-

are taken into account, too.

Equation (1)

indicates that it is worth

taking both factors into account. In many

realistic cases both factors of risk depend

on each other. To name an example taken

from this fire protection topic, the use

of halogenated materials reduces the

probability of failure but increases the

possible impact on personal health by

asphyxiation or something else.

Experience from FMEA practice reveals

the advantage to keep both factors on a

similar low level. If both factors may vary

in a range from 1 to 10, the risk varies

from 1 to 100. If the probability is reduced

down to 4 and the impact down to 5, a risk

level of 20 as a product of the factors 4*5

is achieved. If the impact remains on its

high level of 10, the probability must be

reduced down to 2 to achieve the same

risk level. Keeping in mind the Pareto

principle, it will be clear that the effort to

achieve this extremely low level of one

factor will exceed the effort to keep both

factors on a medium level.

The advantage to distribute the efforts of

risk reduction to both factors (avoidance

and impact reduction) is shown in

Figure 2


The dashed line shows the risk depending

on reduction efforts if all efforts are

invested into threat avoidance.

The continuous line shows the risk if

the reduction efforts are distributed to

both avoidance and impact reduction

in the same quantity. Some simplifying

assumptions are done in this approach to

show the basic principle easily. It can be

clearly seen that just in the medium part

of the range, the distribution of efforts to

both factors brings clear advantages.

Figure 1


Cultural relativity for three selected nationalities according to Hofstede


Figure 2


Remaining risk versus total effort for reduction efforts on one factor or both factors

Power distance





Long-term orientation




Risk vs Effort

Total Effort

Remaining Risk

Risk (2 factors)

Risk (1 factor)