Tipperary Bar Association
Annual General Meeting
Report of the Hon. Secretary 1985/86
This has been a particularly busy year for the Bar
Association and the Committee has worked well with
the addition of some younger members and new faces
that came on in 1985.
A new Booklet covering the costs to be charged by
members of the Association was prepared and issued by
the Committee.
A sub-committee to draft and propose new rules has
completed its work and the results of that work is before
the A.G.M. for consideration.
The Committee dealt with two complaints under the
Bar Association Rules. The complaints were heard and
adjudicated upon. The hearing of these complaints took
up a large part of the Committee's time throughout the
A social outing for members of the Association was
held at Chez Hans, Cashel. It is felt by the Committee
that any gathering which brings members of the
Association together socially is a great help to promote
A new group concentrating on allegations against
members of the legal profession was formed in Nenagh.
The Committee was concerned at the high profile taken
by two public representatives for the area who seemed
to be supporting this group. The Committee has
received correspondence from these Public Represen-
tatives (both of whom are resident in Nenagh) assuring
it that they have not given support to this new organisa-
tion. The situation is being kept under review and the
Committee's feeling on this topic is to keep a low profile
at present. This attitude seems to be working well at
The half-yearly meeting of the Association was held
on 25 March and was addressed by Mr. Ivers, Director
General, Law Society, and the President of the Law
Society, Mr. Larry Cullen. The attendance at that
meeting was a little on the low side, but Mr. Cullen gave
an extremely detailed review of matters affecting the
profession at present. There is to be a new Solicitors'
Bill circulated shortly. The advertising regulations
which were expected to come into force in September
will not now be dealt with until November as there has
been a request for an extraordinary general meeting of
the Law Society which will be held in conjunction with
the A.G.M. at the end of the year. Mr. Cullen also
informed the Bar Association that the attitude of the
Law Society in relation to public relations had changed
now and that in future it proposes to adopt a high
profile and that this action was paying dividends.
During the year the Committee decided that where
Solicitors are called as witnesses in Court cases that they
should be paid a fee of £50.00 per hour rising to a
maximum of £250.00 per day together with travelling
and subsistence. The Committee also decided that where
documents are bespoken from a colleague on behalf of a
client that a reasonable fee should be paid to that
colleague for scheduling and producing the documents
subject to a minimum of £15.00 plus V.A.T.
In the course of the year the Committee decided that
something should be done in relation to six day costs in
the Circuit Court together with District Court appeal
costs. To this end a meeting was held with the Circuit
Judge to ask him to adopt a scale produced by the Law
Society in 1983, but which our County Registrar feels he
has no power to adopt.
The present position is that the scale has been
furnished to the Circuit Judge who seems to be
favourably disposed to it. A Notice of Motion will be
brought to the Nenagh sittings of the Circuit Court at
which the Judge will be asked to adopt a new scale
pursuant to Order 58 rule 27 of the Circuit Court Rules.
This gives the Judge power to adopt a scale where he
considers that there is no "appropriate" scale. Our
County Registrar is somewhat opposed to the general
idea, but it remains to be seen how it works out in
practice. The County Registrar has stated that if the
Judge adopts a scale he is prepared to comply with it.
The Committee met a total of nine times during the
year. There are now ninety-two members of the
Philip Joyce, Hon. Secretary.
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