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National Quality Award for Solicitor



The National Quality Awards, awarded annually to the top ten performers in the IQA's

Quality Mark audit, were presented to winners at a reception in Dublin, by President Mary

Robinson. Award winners typically score highest above the national average in their industrial

sector and show a marked improvement in quality over their previous year's performance.

Pictured at the presentations

were l-r: Eddie O'Connor, President IQA; President


Robinson; Patrick O'Connor, O'Connor & Sons, Solicitors, Swinford, IQA National


Award winner and Sean Conlon, Chief Executive, IQA.

At a presentation

ceremony of National

Quality Awards in

Dublin on November

28 last, Swinford firm

P. O'Connor & Son was presented

with the National Irish Quality


Association (IQA) Quality Award in

the service sector section by the

President, Mrs. Mary Robinson. This

is the first time a National Quality


Award has been made to the legal


profession. In 1993 the firm was


awarded the Quality Mark for service j

by the Irish Quality Association and

has increased its percentage rating

following the IQA audit in each year


since then.

P. O'Connor & Son has its principal

office situated at Market Street,

Swinford, Co. Mayo and sub-offices

in the town of Kiltimagh and

Belmullet. The firm has seven

solicitors working in its offices

complemented by law clerks and

secretaries. Patrick O'Connor is the

principal of the firm. He was admitted

to the Roll of Solicitors in 1974 and

has been a member of the Council of

the Law Society since 1978 where he

is currently Chairman of the

Education Committee. He served as

Junior Vice President in 1993. He is

an associate member of the Chartered

: Institute of Arbitrators (Irish branch)

I and in recent years was admitted as a

solicitor to the Roll of Solicitors in

Northern Ireland, England and Wales.

The National Quality Awards are

presented annually to the top ten

performers in the IQA's Quality Mark

(Q-Mark) audit as rated by the audit

scores. Award winners typically score

highest above the national average in

their sector.

On receiving his award, Pat O'Connor

said: "The provision of a quality legal

service is of prime importance to the

; solicitors and staff of the firm and to

myself. Solicitors are now competing

with other professions, firms and

bodies in the provision of services. It

is the quality of that service which

| always has in the past and

| increasingly in the future will ensure

| that the public are better served by an

independent highly qualified and

efficient profession of solicitors who

; give a quality service to their clients".

He urged his colleagues in the

I profession to join the Irish Quality

| Association and that they should seek

to obtain the "Q" mark for their firms.

"It is a worthwhile exercise for the

j solicitors involved and their staff

which gives substantial satisfaction

for the achievement attained", he said.

Í In his address, Sean Conlon, chief


executive of the IQA said: "The

leaders of Ireland Inc. must realise

that people power i.e. the quality of

| people employed, will be the


powerhouse of the future. No matter

how good the product or service is

today, it is ultimately the quality of

the people employed, and how well

they are managed, which will make or

break the organisation in the future.

Therefore, top management must

effect a radical and real change of

attitude to the concepts of employee

| involvement."

Sean Conlon continued: "The total

quality movement has shifted the

emphasis on product/process quality

assurance to improving people

management i.e. employee

involvement for improvement. The

challenge lies in being able to show

employees that they are valued and

thereby add value to the process.

Throughout the world, it is recognised
