p R A
T i
Pract ice
Commi t tee
The function of the Committee is to
provide information and assistance in
relation to all aspects of Practice
Management. The Committee aims to
assist the individual Solicitor in
providing a better and more efficient
service to the client. It is hoped that
the client in turn will appreciate the
increased level of service thereby
increasing customer satisfaction.
The Committee has set itself a number
of goals and objectives for 1995 and
the Committee would very much
welcome comments or suggestions
from the Profession on any aspect
relating to its work.
In 1994, the Committee established
Practice Management Notes which are
issued to the profession on a regular
basis. These are designed to cover
different aspects of legal practice in
an easy and readable form. The
Committee would like to hear from
practitioners as to what their
impressions are and any suggestions
that they might have for the future.
It is the view of the Committee that
Practice Management should occupy a
central role in the education syllabus
for Solicitors. Discussions are taking
place with the Education Committee
and the Education Advisory
Committee to see best how this can be
The Committee has been instrumental
in running "Setting up in Practice
Seminars". These are a valuable help
to new solicitors starting out in
practice on their own.
Substantial progress has been made
with the Irish Management Institute in
preparing and formulating a course
which would be of assistance to the
larger practice. This is a new
innovation for the Law Society
and it
will be an interesting and
exciting opportunity to assess
how the management skills of
Solicitors can be applied to the
commercial area.
A number of solicitor's firms have
already attained the Q Mark and a
seminar held on the topic in 1994 was
much appreciated by the participants.
A further seminar on the topic will be
provided in 1995.
There are a number of management
tapes and videos which are available
in the non legal sector. They are
useful in so far as they assist learning
in an "easy" way. The Committee is
investigating the provision of these
tapes and cassettes and a selection
will be made available to the
profession during 1995.
Every office should have its own
office manual which will assist the
office in regulating its own procedures
rather than dealing with issues in a
haphazard way. The Committee are
presently reviewing a precedent
manual and will have more
information on this later in the year.
The passing of the Solicitor's Act
brings obligations and some
opportunities to the profession. Over
the coming months the profession will
be circularised with a substantial
amount of material on different
aspects of the Solicitor's Act. It is
hoped that the result will be the
provision of a clear and unambiguous
business relationship between solicitor
and client. The client will be aware
from the very start of the nature and
extent of the business relationship
with the Solicitor.
The committee intends to make use of
the Gazette each month to give the
profession an up date on its activities.
The contribution will be written by
different members of the Committee
who will be able to give their
own perspective on the Committee's
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