ger rum, a small spoonful fine sugar, a whiskey–
glass full cream; shake well, strain into a long
thin bai·-g lass.
Angostura Lemonade. .
The juice of one lemon, one t ablespoonful fine
sugar in a mixing-glass half-full fine ice, add
three dashes Angostura bitters,
up with wat er;
shake well, put in long thin glass, trim with frui ts
in season. Serve on ice with straws or strain, as
Lemon Squash.
Cut a whole lemon into halves, place them in a
111ixing-glass, add one tablespoonful of powdered
sugar , crush the lemon with mudc,l ler to extract
the juice, fill th e glass half-full fine ice, add _a cold
bottle of plain soda, mix with spoon; put all into a
long thin punch-glass, ornament with fruits in
season, and serve with straws.
Lemon Syrup.
Take one gallon gum-syrup, add to it three pints
<>f pure lemon juice, put on the fire and bring to
boiling-point; when cold bottle, cork, and keep
in a cool place.
Egg Lemonade.
A mi xing -glass half-full fine ice, the juice of
h alf a lemon, one t ablespoonful fine suga r, one