Pousse d 'Amour.
A sherry-glass one-third full of maraschino,
carefully add the yolk of a fresh egg, fill the glass
with yellow chartreuse; keep the two liqueurs in
separate layers.
Peach and Honey.
Pour a
peach brandy into a small bar–
glass, add a teaspoonful honey; mix well. Place
peach brandy before customer and allow him to
help himself.
Peach Blow.
Crush six ripe strawberries with half a table–
spoonful fine sugar in a mixing-glass, fill glass one·
third full fine ice, add one jigger brandy, fill up
with milk; shake well, strain.
Pick Me Up.
· A mixing-gla8s half full fuJe ice, half a pony
absinthe, one jigger vermouth; shake well until
cold, .strain into a star-glass;
with seltzer.
Apple Brandy Punch.
Fill a mixing-glass three-fourths full of fine ice,
add the juice of half a lemon, one tablespoonful
fine sugar, one jigger apple brandy; shake well.
Serve on ice with straws or strain, trim with fruit.