Chocolate Punch.
A mixing -glass half-full fine ice, add one table–
spoonful fin e sugar , one egg, one-half jigger port
wine, one-half jigger brandy , the juice of half a
lemon; shake well, strain into fancy glass.
Cider Punch.
Dissolve one tablespoonful fine sugar with a lit–
tle water and t he juice of a quarter of a lemon in
a mi xing-glass, fill half-full with fine ice, ado one
pony brandy, fill up with cider; mi x well. Serve
on ice, with straws, 'trim with fruit in season.
Claret 'Punch.
Dissolve one and a half tablepoonsfuls fin e sugar
with one jigger water in a large m ixing -glass,
the juice of a quarter .of a lemon, two jiggers
claret , fill the glass wit h fine i ce ; shake well,
ser ve in a long thin punch-glass, leave on ice or
strain, trim with fruit.
on ice ser ve straws.
Club Punch.
One t ablespoonful fine sugar di ssolved in a little
water in a mixing-glass, fill glass half full fine ice,
add the juice of half a lemon, one-t hird jigger
J amaica rum, two-thirds jigger St. Ci·oix rum;
m ix well, strni n in to a fancy glass, trim wit h
fr uit
top off with
littlE' port wine.