Imperial Punch.
Dissolve one tablespoonful fine sugar in a mixing
glass with a little water, add two jiggers claret,
half a pony of maraschino, a little grated nutmeg,
two thin slices lemon, fill the glass with fin e ice,
add a squirt of seltzer; mix well, trim with fruit.
Serve straws.
Irish Punch.
Fill a mixing-glass half-full of fine i ce, "add one
tablespoonful fine sugar, a little water, the juice
of half a lemon, one jigger Irish whiskey; mix
well, strain into a fancy bar-glass, trim with fruit,
or leave on ice, and serve with straws.
Jamaica Rum Punch.
Prepare in the same manner as Irish Punch,
_substituting Jamaica rum for
whi skey.
Japanese Punch.
One lump cut-loa f sugar dissolved with a little
hot water in a hot-drink glass, add the juice of
half a lime, half a jigger arrack , half a jigger
brandy, fill the glass with hot t ea ; mix and
serve. This punch is usually served with cake.
Fancy Kirsch Punch (For a Party).
Mix two quarts of wa ter with two pounds of fine
sugar, the juice of four lemons and one pint Kirsch-