fine ice ; shake well, put in long thin punch-glass,
ornament top with fruit. Serve straws.
National Punch.
Fill a mixing-glass half-full of fine ice, add the
juice of half a lemon, one tablespoonful of fine
sugar, half a jigger brandy, one jigger Rbine–
wine; mix well. Serve on ice in a long punch–
glass, ornament with fruit, float a little Jamaica
rum on top. Ser ve straws.
Dissolve one tablespoonful fine sugar with a
tle water in a mixing-glass, add the juice of half
an orange, tbe juice of ha lf a lime, one jigger
eau de v ie <l'oranges or orange brandy, fill the
glass with fine ice; mix well; strain into fancy
bar-glass, trim with fruit.
Orgeat Punch.
In a mi xing-glass the juice of half a lemon, one
jigger orgeat syrup, one jigger whiskey, fill the
glass with fine ice; shake well, put all into a long
thin punch-glass, trim with fruit, top off with
claret. Serve with straws.
Peach Punch.
Put into a m ixing-glass half a peach, either
fresh or canned, one tablespoonful fine suga r, the