Siberian Punch.
The juice of haJ f a lemon , one jigger water , and
one tablespoonful fine sugar, <lissolveo in a mix–
ing-glass, add one jigger Ozarowitch (eau de vie
d 'o~·a nges) ,
fill the glass w ith fine ice ; shake until
very cold . Serve in a long thin gl ass, ornament
with fruit. Sip with straws.
St. Charles Punch.
In a mixing -g lass one teaspoonful fine suga r
dissolved in a little water , and t he juice of half a
lemon, one jigger port wine, one pony brandy , a
few dashes curai;oa, fill the g lass with fine ice;
mi x well. Put a ll in a long thin glass, trim with
fruit. Serve straws.
St. Croix Rum Punch.
One tablespoonful fine sugar dissolved with a
li ttle water in a mixing -glass, add the juice of half
a lemon, one jigger of St. Croix rum, fill the glass
with fine ice ; mi x well. Serve on ice w:lth straws
or strain, trim w ith fruit .
Steinway Punch.
a plain whi skey punch , stmin into a long–
thin glass, and fill up with cold apollinaris wa ter .