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Julep, Brandy.

Use lar ge goblet.

Ice, fin e ; fi ll gobl et.

Cognac, 1 jigger.

Mint, sever al sprigs bruised in a

littl e water a nd sugar, w ith a mudd ler

i n a small mi.xing glass; stra in t his into


Jamaica rum, 1 clash.

Stir, dr ess with fruit a nd few sprigs

of mint, wh ich bas b een moistened a utl

<lipped in sugar. Serve with straws.

Julep, Champa gne.

Use medium sizo thin glass.

Ice, cracked; fi ll glass 1-3 fu ll.

Sugar, 1 lump.

Mint, two sprigs.

Champagne; pour it in slowly ; st ir

gently; decorate with fru it; dash wit lJ

brandy and ser ve with straw.

Julep, Gin.

Prepa r e in same ma nn er as for

B randy Julep, substituting Holl and gin

for brandy and omi t t he rum fl a vor.

Julep, Mint.

Prepar e in same manner as for

Brandy Julep.

Julep, Pineappie (for p arty of 4) .

Use glass bowl.

Ice, shaved, bowl



Ora nges, juice of 2.

Raspb erry syrup, 1 gill.

l\farascliino, 1 gill.

Old 'fom gin, 1 gill.

Sparkling Moselle, 1 quart bottle.

Pineappl e, 1, peel ed and sliced small

and chopped.

Stir a nd serve in cockt ail glasses

d ressed with berries.