Sugar, 1 tablespoonful.
L emon juice, 4 dashes.
Claret, 2 wineglasses.
Sha k e ; strain in to thin glass; dress
with fruits and serve with straws.
Punch, Claret (recept ion) , 2% gallon
mixture f or 50 people.
Use punch bowl.
Ice, 1 la rge piece.
Suga r, cut loaf, 2 pounds.
Lemons, juice of 14.
Oranges, 14 cut in slices.
Pineapple, 1 can sliced.
Claret wine, 5 qua rt bottles.
Cognac, 1 quart.
Carbonated water, 4 quarts.
Abricotine, 7 ounces.
Punch, Claret (strain ed).
Use large mixing glass.
Ice, fine ; fill glass.
Syrup, 11h t easpoonsful .
Lemon juice, 1 teaspoonful.
Claret; fill glass almost
full .
Seltzer; dash to fill glass.
Shake ; strain into small pun ch glass
ureviously cooled with fine ice; dress
with fruit and serve.
Punch, Claret, Club House.
Use large mixing glass.
Ice, fine ; fill glass.
Syrup, 1h barspoonful.
Lemon juice, 4 dashes.
Orange juice, 4 dashes.
Claret, 2 wineglasses.
Punch, Club House (3 gallon mixture) .
Use lar ge bowl.
P eaches, 1% cans.
P inapples, 11h cans.
Oranges, 9, cut in slices.
Lemons, 9, cut in slices.
Tokay or Sweet Catawba, 2 1-3 gal–
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