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The technological model is created for computerized development

of tool designs for cold tube rolling mills of KhPT and KhPTR types.

The model allows calculating of the calibration by three techniques,

each of which has its ideal application area depending on plastic

properties of the tube metal.

The program also includes databases that contain mechanical

properties of the steel grades used as well as the information on

technical reference documentation for cold worked tubes. This

design was successfully tested at KhPT-32, KhPT-55 and KhPT-75

mills at Sinara Tube Works. Figure 8 shows the appearance of the

information obtained.

Physical simulation of production processes

Mathematical simulation is not possible without using physical

simulation results; it is only possible to obtain the information about

the mechanical properties of metals and the boundary conditions

of the working process with the help of physical experiments. To

generate the information on the metal resistance to deformation

and other physical data, OJSC RosNITI works in close cooperation

with Department of Plastic Metal Working of Yuzhno-Uralsk State

University, whose research laboratory is equipped with a unique

cam plastometer.

The main advantage of this plastometer is the possibility to perform

fractional deformation that allows the simulation of continuous tube

rolling processes and the study of metal softening patterns between

passes. Besides, a special container design allows the performance

of simulation at a fixed specimen temperature.

Figure 9 shows the schematic diagram of the cam plastometer.

The possibility of a fractional specimen loading provided by the

plastometer allows the development and successful implementation

of the experimental research procedure of the resistance of metals

and alloys to deformation. It also reveals plastic deformation during

experiments excluding errors due to the contact friction during

plastic deformation. Furthermore, the process of physical simulation

is facilitated with the help of the computerized system for collecting,

converting and computer processing of data attached to the


The equipment for isothermal compressive deformation has allowed

the development of the procedure to determine friction coefficient

in hot and cold working. The method is based on the known

solution of the variational problem of cylinder yielding. The idea of

the method is yielding a cylinder specimen at the plastometer at

a predetermined temperature while observing the condition of the

specimen contact surface with the working tool. This is undertaken

by measuring the specimen contact surface diameter after yielding

with the help of a toolmaker’s microscope and computer processing

of the obtained data using a simulator.

In order to calculate parameters of the cylindrical specimen surface

stress-strain state during yielding, the solution of the variational

problem of cylinder yielding was further developed. This allowed

the considerable increase of the accuracy of determining metal and

alloy plasticity via physical simulation using the cam plastometer.


The effectiveness of the simulation methods used for research and

advancement of the tube rolling processes is determined by their

multipurpose application. All simulation (mathematical, physical and

computerized) methods shall be used to obtain reliable information.

The accuracy of setting the boundary-value problem, taking into

account its end implementation, has to be ensured to receive

reliable results when using mathematical simulation. In the case of

computer simulation, in addition to the use of available programs

it is advisable to create object-oriented programs. This is because

the application of such programs is more convenient for solving

practical tasks despite a somewhat limited application area.

The development of new computerized analysis procedures for the

production processes based on the known analytical solutions can

be recommended for an on the spot solution of specific production

issues. The implementation of new research procedures for

obtaining new kinds of information using the existing laboratory

equipment is reliant upon the development of an advanced trend of

physical simulation methods.


1. VG Dukmasov, AV Vydrin ‘Simulators and the processes of high-quality flank

rolling’ – Cheliabinsk: YuUrSU Publishers, 2002 (p215).

2. VL Kolmogorov ‘The mechanics of metal plastic working’ – Moscow: Metallurgia

Publishers, 1986 – p688.

3. VL Kolmogorov, SI Parshakov, SP Burkin, Yu N Loginov et al ‘Plastic metal

working technological tasks solution using microcomputer’ – Moscow:

Metallurgia Publishers, 1993 – p320.


– Russia


: +7 351 734 70 60





Figure 9


Schematic diagram of the

cam plastomter designed by YuUrSU

Figure 8


The results of computerized design programme for cold tube rolling

mill tool design