The BACCHUS Charter is part of a Na
tional Organization composed of both college
student and professionals. It is primarily
concerned with the responsible use of alcohol
on campus, asevidenced bythe unabbreviat
ed version of its name: Boost Alcohol Con
sciousness Concerning the Health of Univer
sity Students. Aside from its primary func
tion, BACCHUS also exists to advise, edu
cate, andsponsor thestudent body regarding
alcohol use.
Bottom row left to right Terry
Blanchard, Yolanda Lewis. Second
row L to R: Sally North, Maria
Brightbill, Roxanne Short, Bonnie
Kieta, John Tenuta, Patti Lind-
horst, Tom Burns.Third rowLto R.Betsy Myers, Bob Call, Sharlene
Hagen, Charlie Lawler, Tom
Paskowitz, Laurie Kerbs. Fourth
row L to R: MichaelChirnside, Gaye
Soroka, John Dooley, Bill Kemble.
The Barkmen/Barkbabes are a somewhat
enthusiastic group of fun-loving undergrad
uates. In their first year (1980-1981) they in
dependently sponsoredCheech andChong's
"next movie", and the very well received
"Dating Game", along with a host of week
end parties. In the future the Barkmen-
/Barkbabes plan a variety of new and unusu
al events, allof which are to benefit the so
cial life of the U.S.D.students.
Bottom row left to right: Rick
"Mijo" Sanchez, Tom Twardzik,
Linda "Wild West" Anderson, Jen
nifer "Kahlua" Veager, Jenny "Sgt.
Pepper" Preciado. Second Row L to
R: Chris "TheJerk" Gualtieri, Greg
'Animal" Bart, Bonnie "Chip
munk" Montali, Jeannie "Cocaine"
Kennedy, Brenda Black Sheep:"
Naimy, Sally "Sal-Ass" Magnus,
Jackie "Jackpot".Third rowL to R:
Tom "Peepin Tom" Burke,Simon
Chairman" Iau, Ken "Daa Fay
pay" Ku, Ed "The Wall" Coughlin,
Louis "Walrus" Preciado, Shelly
Bombshell" Weiss. Back row L to
™ Paul "J.J." Biazevich, Mark
Tiny" Roland, Tim "The Boss"
Boche, Mike "The Blade" Risch,
Bi"y "\(
gin" p
Moo Moo" Siksek, Harry "The
*• lash" Wilson, Francis "Yuksa" Ku.