Beta Alpha Psi, the National Accounting Honor Fra
ternity, has added another chapter at USD. The first
installation and initiation was held on Friday, Septem
ber 25, after many years of hard work by Accounting
Society members and alumni, faculty and staff. The
primary objective of the fraternity
is o giverecognition
to academicand professional excellence in the fieldof
accounting. The Fraternity includes such activities as:
the promotionof the study and practice of accounting,
the provisionof opportunities
for self-development
association among members and practicing accountants
and the encouragement
ethical, social and public re
sponsibilities. Membership in Beta Alpa Psi includes
those persons of good moral character who have
Left toright: Craig Swanson, Kerry
Barnsley, Chris Jenkins, Mark Leh-
berg, Dr.Elizabeth Hennigar.
Front row: Gina Chammas, Dave
Goddard, Professor Ethel Sykes,
Eve Blomberg, Caren Molacek, L
ra McCormick, Bruce Ness, Manny
Occiano. Back row: Professor Bob
Dr. Greg Merill, Dave
Laddiesaw, Dr. Ellen Cook,Dr. Jim
Daniels, Mike Bush. Officers—Pre
sident-Eve Blomberg, Vice Presi
dent-Bruce Ness, Secretary-Caren
Molacek, Treasurer-Manny Oc
ciano, Faculty Vice-President-Pro-
achieved academic and/or professional
excellence in
field ofaccounting.
These members have beeninitiated
according to the officialritual of the Fraternity.
Beta Gamma Sigma is an elite group of
students honored with membership to the
Busines Honor Fraternity. This fraternity
acknowledges the top 5% in academic stand
ing of the business class. Congratulations