The Biology Club,a unique species of stu
dent organization, was out in full force again
this year. Among other activities, the club
sponsored the annual blood drive, a huge
success, and their weekend field trip to San
Felipe. The purpose of the field trip, attend
ed by faculty and students alike, was mainly
to investigate the effects of alcohol on va
sopressin and to store the date generated in
long term memory banks fromwhence jokes
and stories abouthe trip could be recalled at
a later date.
Kneeling left to right: AnitraPolk,
Michael Wayne Anthony Fowlkes.
Middle row left to right: Reggie Bar
ber. Kenneth Stcyr, Jerald Gooden,
Lolita Poster, Kiki Foster, Gerald
Jones, Herb Graham, Reginald R.
Johnson. Back row left to right: Ear-
nest Williams, Harold E. Allen Jr.,
Krystal Smith, Rob Roberts.
First row left to right: (Striking a
casual pose with hip flask) Katie
Cessor. Secondrow left to right: In
glass cage: Chris "Felix"Gualtieri,
Nadine "Bookworm" Luke. Third
row left to right: Mary "Lizard Skel
eton" Kovac,Hrenda Buzby-White,
Maria Cossio modeling lab coat,
Ann Hanss, Ann Tommey pouring
test tube. Mascot Dave Heller.
Fourth row left to right: Nadine
Ridge, Chris Traczek, Anna Torres,
Bill O'Connell (with water bottle),
Miguel "Bubbles" Espinosa, Amy
"CjH^OH" Bolwerk. Back row left
to right: John Kownacki, James
Brodfuehrer, Tammy Schneid-
miller, Wayne Nuzzollo, Chris
Graulau (holding graduated Cylin
der), Susan Kovats, Shaun
The Black Student Union is a cultural
awareness group which provides the students
of USD with the opportunity to enrich them
selves academically, politically, and eco
nomically throughout society. It's members
are actively involved in fundraisers, sponsor
ing guest speakers,plays, culturalart exhib
its along with many other community ser
vices and social functions. This allows a pros
perous exchange of ideals andvalues among
students of all origins.