Bottom row left to right: Sue Kre-
keler, Carol Pereira, Yolanda Lewis
(President), DianeDunwoodie, Co-
rinne Wong. Second rowL to R: Mi-
chele Raya, Maria Rusnak, Chiarme
Paras, Rosemary Boatright (Secre
tary), SharonCook, Monique Van-
Son (Treasurer), Terri Melvin.
Third row L to R: Marianne Artho
(Vice-President), Debora Zirnstein
(Vice-President), Phil Bennett (Ad
visor, OldSan Diego Kiwanis Club).
The main objectives of the Commuters in -« »
Action are to provide support for non-resi- JyJ[
dent students, and to help keep commuters
aware of all U.S.D. activities.The clubis also
represented at Residence Activity Board U
meetings to help integrate commuter and
resident students. The clubhas sponsored a
brown-bag lunch, program, movie nights,
dinners, a dance, bake sales, a carwash, and L'
various summer activities forlocal students, iJ
A recent project of the clubwas to institutea
ridesharing program with the assistance of j-y,
the California Transportation Department.
Front row L toR: Lauren Ledbetter,
Bonnie Kieta, Pablo Mendoza, Rox-
anne Short,Cindy Beezley, Michele
Raya. Back row L to R: Lori Ber
g e r on , Gi n a De l u c a , Armi n
Schnieper, Kathy Otto, Eric Ben
nett, Johanna Matranga. Not Pic
tured: Randy Laser, Advisor Gaye