belonging to the citizens or subjects o f such nation, shall
also be jully extended to and enjoyed by the citizens o f
the United States, and by their vessels and property in
that quarter.
a r t ic l e
v .
The general Convention o f friendship, commerce,
and navigation, concluded between the United States
and his Majesty the King o f Denmark on the 26th o j
April 1826 and which zuas abrogated on the 15th o f April
1856, and the provisions contained in each and all o f
its articles, the 5th article alone excepted, shall, after the
ratification o f this present convention, again become
binding upon the United States and Denmark ; it being,
however, understood that a year's notice shall suffice fo r
the abrogation o f the stipulations o f the said Convention
hereby renewed.
The present Convention shall take effect as soon as
the lazvs to carry it into operation shall be passed by the
Governments o f the contracting parties, and the sum
stipulated to be paid by the United States shall be re
ceived by or tendered to Denmark, and fo r the fu lfil
ment o f these purposes a period not exceeding twelve
months from the signing o f this Convention shall be
allowed. But if, in the interval, an earlier day shall
be fixed upon and carried into effect for a fr e e naviga
tion through the Sound and Belts in favor o f any other
Pawer or Powers, the same shall, simultaneously, be
extended to the vessels o f the United States and their
cargoes, in anticipation o f the payment o f the sum
stipulated in article II I ; it being understood, however,
that in that event the Government o f the United- States