about town cocKtail booK|
SCALD 1 pint of ginger ale and'in it dissolve 1% tablespoonfuls
of gelatin. DO NOT BOIL. Add a pinch of salt, 1 tablespoonful
lemon juice and set on ice. When it begins to thicken add 1 cup of
diced fruit (orange or grapefruit or both) and a few pieces of crys
tallized ginger. Gut up and serve on lettuce with mayonnaise. This
is sufficient tfor 10 small nioulds.
For salad: 1 medium can shredded pineapple,1 cup diced marsh-
mallows,%cup shredded blanched almonds. Arrange in layers
on lettuce leaves.
For dressing: Juice of the pineapple, juice of 1 lemon, yolks
of 2 eggs, 1 tablespoonful sugar, 1 tablespoonful cornstrach.
Mix thoroughly and cook until thickened in double boiler. If
desired add % pint whipped cream to dressing. This recipe serves
six hungry people.
LEND Roquefort cheese with a good French dressing, chill and
serve on head lettuce.
1 cup qf diced pineapple
% cup of diced peaches
1 diced orange
% tahlespoonful of sugar
Yz cup of whipped cream "
2 tablespoonsful of shredded almonds
% teaspoonful gelatin
Y2 teaspoonful of cold water
Y2 tablespoonful of lemon juice
Dissolve the gelatin in cold water over hot water. Remove from
the fire and add the whipped cream,then the lemon juice and sugar.
Mix the fruit in lightly. (Any fruit combination may be used.)
Pack in molds and freeze for 2 or 3 hours. If the salad is molded
in baking powder tins it can be turned out and cut in slices. Serve
with whipped cream and top with almonds, pineapple, strawberry
or cherry.