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Corporate and social responsibility report

Annex III -

Building client’s trust with fully available and secured platforms and reinforcing value for clients



2016 Registration Document

be presented and the set, or selected, amount can be


donations made by all the other donors, a digital screen

shows the real-time total as it increases with each donation

transferred to the recipient’s organization. To give donors a

better idea of the real impact of their donation and the

Donation Box. This time, the connected object takes the

form of a box (instead of a piggy bank) which can promptly

our customers led us to shift the PayGgy box concept

towards another vertical market, for another use: as a

As one solution leads to another, our ongoing dialog with

accept users’ individual donations simply and securely. As

easily as a coin or a note can be placed in a box, a card can

HighProcessing andVolumes

algorithms, in order to enable “device-to-cloud” application

processing and off-loading. The primary areas of focus include

development include:

and support for emerging business activities. Key innovations

that have come out of this process or that are currently in

high-performance computing, liquid computing solutions, cloud

and context services, artificial intelligence and machine learning

This area focuses on innovative solutions for processing high

volumes of data, proposing new generations of tools for

equipment and infrastructure architecture, as well as in terms of

components best suited to handling them;

application. The application aims to efficiently allocate

software processes in real time to the available hardware

“intelligent” IT implementation that will analyze and adapt to

the available hardware to execute a cloud-hosted

Liquid IT. Worldline is currently developing Liquid IT, an

Intelligence for Data Analytics), a three year research

program with four different European universities;

best-in-class data analytics services, whether structured,

contextual or real-time. Worldline is now preparing the next

Analytics are now required by almost all of its services,

Worldline decided to embed all of the resources to provide

Industrial Data Analytics Platform: as Prescriptive Data

generation of software to benefit fully from such an

infrastructure, in the form of the AïDA program (Artificial

expected of them. This work is vital for all real-time

information processing services. Fraud detection in

learn for themselves, to create reasoning or rules by which

to analyze information in order to take the decisions

working on “Machine Intelligence” and “Deep Learning”. This

work is very important because it enables our computers to

To supplement its data analytics work, Worldline is also

payments is an excellent example.

providing real business opportunities to test algorithm models,

and innovation for Worldline, by orienting research to critical

academic worlds promote both university research, by

advantage for meeting Worldline’s international growth goals.

provide a great opportunity for Worldline to implement a

worldwide technology watch, which is a key competitive

business needs that require advanced expertise on fraud,

encryption, security and data analytics. The partnerships also

Worldline has close links and has established long-term

future technological challenges on an international scale. These

close, long-term relationships between the business and

researchers and students to find increasingly innovative

solutions, pooling their knowledge and expertise to identify

Université Libre de Bruxelles in Belgium). Worldline’s

international research and development teams are working with

partnerships with leading European universities on data

analytics and encryption (University of Passau in Germany,

Worldline’s innovative approach


initiatives. Worldline’s Research and Development department is

a key enabler of Worldline’s capacity for innovation and

designed to spur its employees to greater creativity and to

encourage the design and the implementation of value creating

improvement of its products and solutions, a critical strength in

an industry that is constantly evolving.

Worldline actively seeks to promote a culture of innovation

dedicated to disruptive innovation. Worldline’s dedicated

research and development team supports a more extensive

innovation, while other research and development engineers

are focused on longer-term research and development projects

operational teams and focus primarily on incremental

operational team of more than 6,000 digital specialists who

work with clients in the field to deliver the Company’s solutions.

Company is present. Many of Worldline’s research and

development engineers are closely integrated within Worldline’s

Worldline’s research and development teams comprise over

350 engineers located in most of the countries in which the

Worldline Innovation Network (WIN) had 44 members around

the world in 2016. [WL2].

further development. Within Worldline, 45% of R&D department

employees are PhDs and PhD students [WL2]. Moreover, the

their innovative projects to their peers and to get the best

projects awarded and sponsored by the management for

projects. Bottom-up processes enable employees to present

Worldline’s staff is highly skilled and creative, as is demonstrated

every year by the WIN Awards’ (Worldline Innovation Network)