Punch, Roman.
^ The juice of 84 lemons must be beaten to a froth
with 42 eggs; then add to it gallon of boiling syrup,
11/2 gallon of Cognac, iV^ gallon of Jamaica rum, 2
gallons of sherbet, maraschino, and i gallon of maras-
quino di Zara.
272. Punch, Rum.
SSVa lbs. of sugar.
3% gallons of water.
Boiled to the crack; add 1% gallon of lemon juice
(to the boiling sugar); stir till getting clear; then put
in a clean tub, and when near cool add 5 gallons of
good Jamaica rum. Filter.
273. Quatia
I lb. of quassia root.
I lb. of orange peel.
Ground; macerate for 24 hours with 3 gallons of al
cohol, 95 per cent; strain, press; add 32 lbs. of sugar
dissolved in 5 gallons of water. Filter.
274. Ratafia d'Abricots.
8y2 lbs of apricots, the juice of them, boil for 5 min
utes in 20 lbs. of sugar, and 4)^ gallons of water; then
add 4 gallons of alcohol, 95 per cent. Filter.
Ratafia d'Angelique.
12 ounces of angelica root, cut.
do. junijDer berries, ground.
Macerate for 8 days with 4 gallons of alcohol 95 per
cent, and 20 lbs of sugar dissolved in 4% gallons of
water. Filter.