Summer Drinks
Rhubarb and R asp berry Cup
Cut up a pound of red rhuba rb a nd boil it !n
a quart of wat er for twenty min ut es , t h en strain
it and add four ounces of suga r, t wo t ab l espoo nfu ls
of raspberry vinegar, cochinea l t o colour, and
serve with grated nutmeg and c ru sh ed borage
Rose Mint Cup
sprays of mint
s li ght~y,
and put
them mto a.Jug with a pint of cracked ice.
Then mix apart h alf a cupful of g renad rnc,
thr:e teaspoonsful of rose extract , and a qu a rt of
white is:rape juice. Add one pint of wa t er, and
put on ice.
Before serving, add one pint of ginge r al e.
Spiced Cup
Make .a thin syrup by boiling a pint of ri ce
water with a small cup of su o-ar t h en add t o it
the grated rind of two lemons
the juice, h alf a
cup of seedless raisins, one stick of cinnamon, fo ur
one allspice, and boil all t ogether for
ten mmutes. L et it cool then strain .
. Put a pint of ice in a
pour the liqui d ove r
it, and add two thinly sliced oranges, a qua rt of
carbonated Water, and a pint of g inge r ale.