Summer Drinks
five minutes, then strain and cool. Squ eeze t he
juice of three lemons and t wo o rang es , a nd add
it to the cold tea with a cup of suga r.
Put a lump of ice in the punch b owl, p our the
mixture over it. Add some sli ces of o ran ge (f1 rst
peeled), then six sprays of crush ed m in t , and
k.i,- c
it for ten minutes. Before se rving, add a q
of grape juice, a pint of cold wat er and a pin t of
carbonated water.
Strawberry L emon P unch
Squeeze the juice from three lemon s, an d add
it three-quarters of a cup of sugar. \Y he n_
dissolved, add one pint of wa t er , t wo cups
o t
strawberry syrup, and two t easpoon ful s of
strawberry extract.
a lump ?f ice in the punch b owl and pour
this over, addmg a quart of carb on at ed water
before serving.
. This is i:ot unlike Bavaroi sc
la G recque, whi ch
is made with fresh strawberries.
(To be mixed in a cockt ail sh ake r)
Chocolate Punch
Mix half a cup of chocolat e ex tr ac t, on e
teaspoonful of sugar, one egg, some ice, and enough