Summer Drinks
Sherry Sangaree
Put into a small tumbler a winegh ssfu l of
sherry and a teaspoonful of 1cmg sug ::ir, fi ll to
one-third with shaved ice.
Shake in a shaker, and serve d usted \Yith
Sherry Sou r
For this the lemon peel must be left in the
Put into a small tumbler a t easpoonful of icing
sugar, the juice and rind of a quart e r of a lemon ,
and .a wineglassful of sherry.
Fill to two-thirds with shaved ice, sh:i.k e \\·ell,
strain, return the lemon peel, an d add a dash of
strawberry syrup.
T ea Frapp e
Pour one and a half pints of b oiling wa t e r o n
two te.aspoonfuls of green t ea . L e t it in fu se for
five minutes, then strain it and let it cool. J\dd
t o it four teaspoonfuls of sugar and t wo t :i. ble–
spoonfuls of lemon juice.
Put on ice till almost a mush, an d serve in tall
glasses with a sprig of mint in each.