Summer Drinks
Cidrr N agg
Put into a large glass an egg J.nJ o ne
a rlLl
:1 Juli
tabl espoonfuls of castor sug:n . rill up
tl nu.:
parts 'h-ith shaved ice, and t o the top \\·n h L·1Lkr .
Put into a shaker, and du st \\·i t h n urnwg
before serving.
Sherry Blush
Put into a small tumbler a \\·in egb ss ful of
sherry and thirty drops of raspberry sy ru p . ri ll up
up with shaved ice. Shake in
sl1:1kc r, :mJ
decorate with whole strawberri es or ra spbe r r ies.
Put into a small tumbler a w inegb ss full of
sauterne, half a wineglass of she rry, a small p iL· cc
of lemon rind and a little icing sugJ. r. rill the
tumbler with sh aved ice, shake \ve ll, :rnJ st r:ii n.
Put a sprig of verbena on the t op befor e se rving.
Shandy Gaff
To a pint of bitter or mild al e aJd J. bottl L· of
ginger beer and a lump of ice.