Su mmer Drinks
Pour fr om one glass into anot her seve ral times,
strain, and d ust ·wit h nutmeg befo re se rvi ng.
Sherry Flip is made
the same way , with sherry
Fl ip Flap
Put into a small tumbler a wineglass ful of
milk, an egg \vell b eat en , and strained , a t eas poon–
ful of icing sugar and a \Y incglass ful of port .
Fill up w it h shw cd ice , sh ake well, st ra in,
an d du st with cinnamon .
Arcti c Regions
Put into a large tumbler a q uart er of a pint
of milk, a w ineglassfu l of sherry, an egg, shaved
ic e, and a t abl espoon fu l of icing sugar.
Put in a shake r, shake well, d ust with cinnamon
and se rve.
111aiden's Blush
Put into a small tumbl er half a wineglassful of
sherry, a quart er of a wineglassful of strawberry
syrup, and the juice of a quart er of a lemon. Fill
up with sh aved ice, pu t into a shaker.
Pour into a glass , add a dash of
ra sp~erry
syrup, and serve.