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What is the website for finding my listings & to login?

- you will find login for LuxeXchange at the bottom of the screen or go

directly to

What’s my login information?

You user name will be your email address (the email address you use to login to the

website as an agent) and your password is your first name

How do my listings appear on Luxury Portfolio?

All Parks residential and condo listings with a listing price over $749,999 are uploaded to

Luxury Portfolio directly from MLS. Your listing should appear within 2-3 business days of listing

in MLS. If your listing does not appear, there is an issue and will need to be checked.

You are notified with an email that your listing is now uploaded to LP

Does new construction appear on Luxury Portfolio?

Yes, new construction does upload. There are slightly different photo rules for Under

Construction listings. You must have one full color photo of the listing, one placeholder image

that has “under construction” and the remaining 3 photos allowed can be plans or other


Does vacant land appear on Luxury Portfolio?

Yes, vacant land does upload, but requires five photos just like residential listings.

What is required for my listings to appear on Luxury Portfolio?

Listings are uploaded directly from our MLS through our data feed. Listings will appear in 2-3

days after listing in MLS. Five (5) high resolution photos are required for the listing to upload to

Luxury Portfolio. If your listing doesn’t appear, you can still see your listing after logging into

LP, and the system will alert you to why your listing does not appear.

What happens if I makes changes to my listing on MLS?

When status, price, or features are changed on MLS the changes will automatically update on

LP from our data feed.