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NA-GEN Form Number 79
Revised: 13 Jan 06
1980 - 1981: Scientist II/Section Leader, Nutritional Adjuncts
As a section leader in the proximate and lipid chemistry area, Mr. Sullivan supervised scientists and
technicians in the analysis of protein, moisture, ash, fat, fiber, carbohydrates, and calories in foods and
feeds. Mr. Sullivan also worked on the analysis of fatty acids, cholesterol, plant sterols, and
1979 - 1980: Scientist, Nutritional Adjuncts
Mr. Sullivan worked in the Micro vitamin section where he regularly identified and quantified vitamins
and amino acids in proteins, foods, and animal feeds using wet chemical techniques, high performance
liquid chromatography, and an amino acid autoanalyzer.
1977 - 1978: Scientist, Pesticide Evaluation
Mr. Sullivan's primary responsibilities were the management and operation of the Drosophila
mutagenesis laboratory. This involved leading long-term projects as well as method development and
data analysis.
1975 - 1977: Development Engineer, Research Projects Corporation, Madison, Wisconsin
Mr. Sullivan researched and developed air movement and filtration systems for integration with a solar
heating program.
Paske, N., Berry, B., Schmitz, J., Sullivan, D., “Determination of Low-Level Agricultural Residues in
Soft Drinks and Sports Drinks by Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry: Single-
Laboratory Validation” Journal of the AOAC INTERNATIONAL, 90 (2):521-533 (2007)
Paske, N., Berry, B., Schmitz, J., Sullivan, D., “Determination of Low-Level Agricultural Residues in
Soft Drinks and Sports Drinks by Gas Chromatography with Mass-Selective Detection: Single-
Laboratory Validation” Journal of the AOAC INTERNATIONAL, 90 (2):534-543 (2007)
Sullivan, D. M., Wehrmann, J., Schmitz, J., Crowley, R., and Eberhard, J., "Determination of Ephedra
Alkaloids by Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry," Journal of the AOAC
INTERNATIONAL, 86(3):471-475 (2003).
Lee S.C., Prosky L., Sullivan D.M. and Vincent R., “Evaluating an Analytical Method for
Complex Carbohydrate Determinations,”
American Association for Cereal Chemists, Inc., 41
Sullivan, D.M., “Cholesterol”
Analyzing Food for Nutrition Labeling and Hazardous
AOAC OMB Meeting Book