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Single Laboratory Validation – AOAC First Action Method 2012.22 Vitamin C in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric

Nutritional Formula by UPLC-UV

Date of Issue: February 14


, 2013


E.Campos Giménez (NRC/QS, Lausanne)

Page 3

Methodology and Trials

Materials and Methods


A SPIFAN Single Laboratory Validation Material Test Kit was used (Attachment

2). The kit is aimed to represent the whole range of products in the scope of the

project (Infant Formulas and Adult Nutritionals made from any combination of

milk, soy, rice, whey, hydrolyzed protein, starch and amino acids, with and

without intact protein). It is composed of 6 non fortified (placebo) products and

12 fortified products. Furthermore, it includes a Certified Reference Material

(SRM 1849a) with certified value for vitamin C.



AOAC 2012.22

Sample reconstitution

Powder samples were reconstituted by dissolving 25 g of powder sample in

200 g warm water (40 °C). The SRM was reconstituted by dissolving 10 g of

powder in 90 g warm water (40 °C). Ten (10) mg of TCEP (Tris(2-carboxyethyl)-

phosphine hydrochloride) were added to the samples before reconstitution to

prevent oxidation.


Two (2) grams of reconstituted or RTF sample were weighed into a 10 mL

amber-glass volumetric flask. 4 mL of TCEP solution (250 µg/mL) and 2 mL

trichloroacetic acid (TCA) solution (15 %) added before making up to volume

with water. After filtration through paper filter, 1 mL of filtrate was transferred to

a 10 mL amber-glass volumetric flask containing 1 mL acetate solution (pH 5.4)

and made up to volume with water.

Standard solutions

Stock standard solution (500 µg/mL) was diluted in mobile phase to obtain a

50 µg/mL intermediate solution. Into 10 mL amber-glass volumetric flasks,

aliquots of the intermediate solution were pipette and made up to volume with

mobile phase to yield working standard solutions. (0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.5 and

10.0 µg/mL).

Liquid chromatography

Five (5) µL of final extract were injected onto a UPLC system (Waters Acquity©)

equipped with a Waters Acquity UPLC BEH C18, 1.75 µm; 2.1 x 100 mm

column. Mobile phase was: sodium acetate, 25 mmol/L, pH 5.4, 1.6 g

decylamine, 1 % acetonitrile, 50 mg/L TCEP. Flow rate was 0.35 mL/min, with a

run time of 4.0 minutes.

The column was rinsed after each analytical series with 50 % acetonitrile in

water for 10 min at 0.4 mL/min.

Continued on next page

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