Station Area Master Plan – Transportation Context
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a single stripe; however, if a car is parked near the curb, there is only two to three feet
available for the bicycle lane. A bicycle lane should have a minimum width of five feet.
Planned Improvements
The City of Morgan Hill Bikeways Master Plan Update was prepared in 2008. It identified
planned shared-use paths, bicycle lanes, bicycle routes, and bicycle routes with shoulder
striping to improve the bicycle network. Planned facilities in and near the Downtown area
Shared-use path along West Little Llagas Creek south from Del Monte Avenue
Bicycle lanes on Main Avenue east of Butterfield Boulevard
Bicycle route on Church Street
Bicycle boulevard on Diana Avenue
The City recently updated and combined the bikeways and trails plan to be the new
Bikeways, Trails, Parks, and Recreation Master Plan. The plan was, adopted in July 19, 2017.
Other potential improvements include:
A shared use path on the eastside of the Caltrain tracks between Diana Avenue
and the station
Buffered bicycle lanes on Monterey Road
Valley Transportation Plan 2040 (VTP 2040), the Long Range Transportation Plan for Santa Clara
County prepared by the Valley Transportation Authority includes a shard–use path along West
Little Llagas Creek between Main Avenue and Spring Avenue as Project B88.
Figure 1-35: Bicycle facilities in Downtown area