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City of Morgan Hill

Page | 1-56

Roadway System Gaps

The gaps in the roadway system include the two-lane segment of Main Avenue east of

Monterey Road where four are planned, the off-set intersections of Depot Street and

Church Street with Dunne Avenue, and the extension of Hale Avenue to Dewitt Avenue.

The current design of Depot Street does not accommodate all users or allow it to function

as a downtown-serving Transit Connector. The street has offset intersections at Church

Street and Dunne Avenue, with parallel parking on alternating sides, and undersized bicycle

lanes denoted with a single stripe. Depot Street should be studied for possible

improvements as a complete street, emphasizing its importance of the multi-modal

connecter through Downtown. The study should include the realignment of Depot Street

at the Church Street and Dunne Avenue intersections, bicycle lane connections and widths,

landscaped walkways, appropriate vehicular lane widths, and an enhanced multi-modal

intersection at Main Avenue. Since the amount of vehicle parking on Depot Street is a

concern, the possibility of a one-way road with angled parking could be considered. (See

Figure 1-29.)

Roadway Toolbox

Tools to improve the roadway system are:

Building planned improvements such as the extension of Hale Avenue to Dewitt

Avenue that will provide another bypass route for Monterey Road.

Working with the VTA to expedite construction of the Express lanes on U.S.

Highway 101 to alleviate through traffic on Monterey Road.

Reconsidering the road diet on Monterey Road between Main Avenue and

Dunne Avenue once the Hale Avenue extension is constructed.

Optimizing traffic signal timing.

Reducing traffic demand through transportation demand management (TDM)

measures and programs.

Studying Depot Street as a complete street, emphasizing the importance of the

multi-modal connecter through Downtown.