City of Morgan Hill
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pedestrian/bicycle collision) and one collision with a vehicle and a bicycle in the 3½ year
period. The location with the highest number of collisions is the intersection of Monterey
Road and Third Street, including a pedestrian-involved collision that was a fatality. The City
installed in-pavement flashers to alert drivers of crossing pedestrians at this location.
Planned Improvements
The planned roadway improvements in the Downtown area are shown o
n Figure 1-30.The
Circulation Element of the City of Morgan Hill’s General Plan designates Main Avenue as a
two-lane roadway with the segment between Depot Street and Butterfield Boulevard
planned for four lanes under the city’s planned 2035 improvements. The right-of-way is
available. Another General Plan improvement includes widening Dunne Avenue to four
lanes between Monterey Road and Del Monte Avenue.
Hale Avenue, one block away from Downtown, is planned for an extension to connect to
Dewitt Avenue to provide a west-side bypass to Monterey Road. It is currently being
designed and the next phase will be right-of-way acquisition.
The 2035 General Plan Transportation Element proposes Depot Street be realigned to
connect to Church Street to the south. This could be done in conjunction with development
on the Hale Lumber Yard site.
New traffic signals will be installed at the intersection of Monterey Road and Fourth Street
in in late Summer / early Fall of 2017.
VTA’s Valley Transportation Plan (VTP) 2040 has two freeway/roadway projects that will
affect the Station Area:
New Express Lanes on U.S. Highway 101 between Cochrane Road and SR 25
(Projects H8, H9, and H10)
Extension of Hale Avenue improvements from Main Avenue to DeWitt Avenue to
include two vehicle lanes, bicycle lanes, sidewalks, and signal upgrades (Project