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Station Area Master Plan – Transportation Context

Page | 1-59

Curb Extensions

All intersections along Monterey Road and

Depot Street between Main Avenue and Fifth

Street provide curb extensions. (See

Figure 1-34.)

Benefits of curb extensions include

shortened pedestrian crossings and traffic speed


Planned Improvements

In addition to the in-pavement flashers, other planned improvements are new traffic signals

at the intersection of Monterey Road and Fourth Street, including pedestrian signals, and

two paths or trails. The “Hill Top Trail” will be a pedestrian trail connecting Third Street to

Fifth Street at Del Monte Avenue. This planned trail will provide a walking/running path

near the Downtown area. A shared-use trail is planned for West Little Llagas Creek

extending from its current terminus at Spring Avenue north to the intersection of Main

Avenue and Hale Avenue. There are right-of-way constraints for this path and no funding

has yet been identified, therefore, this is a far-term project.

Pedestrian Toolbox

The streetscape toolbox includes features that create a safe and comfortable pedestrian

environment. Other pedestrian tools include:

Closing sidewalk gaps

Enhancing unsignalized crossings with a combination of the following treatments:


Pedestrian refuge islands


Staggered pedestrian refuge islands


Advanced limit lines


High-visibility crosswalk striping


Pedestrian crossing signs

Figure 1-34: Curb Extensions along Monterey Road

between Main Avenue and Fifth Street