1 quart strained currant juice.
11/2 pounds sugar.
Boil together slowly for eight or ten min
utes, skimming well. Remove from fire.
When lukewarm, add a wineglass of pre
ferred liquor to each pint. Bottle tightly.
Shrub—Raspberry, (use mixing bowlj
1 quart vinegar.
3 quarts raspberries.
Mix and let stand for a day. Strain and
add a pound of sugar to each pint. Boil for
half an hour, skimming clear. When cool,
add a wineglassful of any preferred liquor to
each pint of the Shrub. Two spoons of this
mixture in a tumbler of water is an excel
lent drink in warm weather and in cases of
Shrub—Rum. (five gallons)
3 gallons Jamaica Rum.
1 quart orange juice.
1 pint lemon juice.
6 pounds powdered sugar, dissolved in
3 pints fresh milk.
Mix together all ingredients except the
milk, and let them remain closely covered
overnight. Next day boil the milk. When
cold, add it to the mixture. Filter through
a flannel bag lined with blotting paper. Bot
tle and cork immediately.
Velvet—Bottled, (use punch bowl)
1 bottle Moselle.
K2 pint Sherry.
2 tablespoons sugar.
1 lemon.
1 sprig of verbena.
Peel the lemon very thin, using only suf
ficient rind to give the desired flavor. Add
the other ingredients. Strain, and serve.
Velvet—Champagne, (use large-sized goblet)
For this drink, a bottle of Champagne
and a bottle of Porter must be opened. Fill
the glass half full with Porter, the balance
with Champagne. Stir slowly with a spoon.